Fiscal Year-End Closing Local Government Corporation
General Overview Ensure all current year accounting activity has been processed Fiscal Year-End Closing Clean up and correct current fiscal year data Close the month of June - Make Mid-Closing Backup (recommended) Close the PO File (if applicable) - Make Pre-Closing Backup Make entries in preparation for next fiscal year Close the fiscal year - Make Post-Closing Backup
Fiscal Year-End Closing Clean up Current Fiscal Year Data Things to look for - - Over expenditures that need budget amendments - Payables & receivables from prior fiscal year that need adjusting - Miscellaneous posting errors that need correcting - “Due to” and/or “Due from” accounts Some Red Flags are - - Liability accounts with debit balances (balance sheet report) - Asset accounts with credit balances (balance sheet report) - Expenditure accounts greater than 100% of budget (expenditure report) - Liability accounts with left over pennies (balance sheet report)
Miscellaneous posting errors Fiscal Year-End Closing A Problem Balance Sheet Odd debit balances Leftover pennies Major Problem
Fiscal Year-End Closing Trial Balance Problem
Fiscal Year-End Closing Over Expenditures?
Posting Errors? Fiscal Year-End Closing Should there be YTD activity if nothing is budgeted?
Fiscal Year-End Closing The following screen shows you where to get the above report A favorite report displaying potential budget problems
Fiscal Year-End Closing This is where to get the GL Detail Listing report from previous screen Where to get GL detail
Fiscal Year-End Closing Ensure all current year accounting activity has been processed Reprint reports to verify corrective entries had the desired effect? Clean up PO file (if applicable) Have all current year PO’s been entered? Are there partially liquidated PO’s that need liquidating? Do current year PO totals match Current Year Encumbrance Control? Any prior year PO’s that need canceling? Are there any entries needed to Reserve Accounts? NOTE: The GASB54 Balance Sheet will not print during the year end closing
Fiscal Year-End Closing Update Year To Date Totals Clears and updates the fiscal year to date totals on the vendor activity screen. It should be run by entering July 1 of the NEW fiscal year and June 30 of the NEW fiscal Year Before running Year End PO Closing you might want to run the PO Balancing Report (if applicable) Purchasing - Fiscal Year End
Fiscal Year-End Closing If your PO’s are making encumbrance entries to the ledger, the PO Balancing Report is a very useful tool to help troubleshoot PO problems. Purchasing - Fiscal Year End
Fiscal Year-End Closing A Good Clean PO Balancing Report The PO Balancing Report Outstanding PO’s & YTD Enc amounts equal = There are no conflicts between PO totals & amounts posted to the GL
Fiscal Year-End Closing This report has issues Calculated Differences column in a perfect world would typically be blank The PO Balancing Report Why would there be no PO totals yet encumbrance amounts posted to GL
Fiscal Year-End Closing Plus any Future Posted Enc (PO’s processed in Feb but given a July date) The PO Balancing Report Equal Calculated Difference Outstanding PO Amount minus YTD Encumbrances =+ -
Fiscal Year-End Closing Future Posted Enc are PO’s processed in Feb but given a July date The PO Balancing Report The PO’s were voided with a Feb. effective date Problem Remains EC entry in July PO entry in Feb There are no PO Totals yet there are PO amounts posted to the GL as Encumbrances
Fiscal Year-End Closing Cleaning up the PO file only needs to be done if your PO’s are making entries to the ledger Cleaning up the PO File If you are satisfied that all outstanding PO’s are valid And No additional PO’s for the current fiscal year need to be entered Then you are ready to close the PO file Closing the PO file makes the necessary GL entries to roll current year encumbrances to Prior Year encumbrances
Before Closing PO File Enter PO’s dated June Enter PO’s dated July Print checks dated June on June PO’s Print checks dated July on July PO’s You May... Fiscal Year-End Closing All entries will post to Current FY All entries will post to New FY Checks will post to New FY but PO’s are encumbered against Current FY Why ?
After PO file closed but before year end closing You may... Enter PO’s dated June – but you must run Update Year End PO Closing option Enter PO’s dated July Print checks dated July on July PO’s` Print checks dated June - as long as it’s not attached to ANY PO’s Fiscal Year-End Closing Why ? All PO’s are now “Prior Year” PO’s but June checks are Current FY
After PO file closed but before year end closing After Closing the PO File you may enter more June PO’s but You must run the Update Year End PO Closing option (it may be run multiple times) It only updates the PO’s entered since running the Year-End PO Closing option Fiscal Year-End Closing
Once the Year-End is Closed Business as usual - all Checks & PO accounting entries will be posted to New FY Fiscal Year-End Closing
Before beginning the Year End Process A few Reminders Be sure your LGC remote support capability is working properly (Bomgar, Teamviewer) No one should be processing ANY work while you are closing June or Year End (no check printing, transaction posting, anything updating the GL) Make sure you have needed supplies, toner, printer ribbons, 2-part paper, paper pre-punched holes, backup media, etc. Fiscal Year-End Closing
Reminders Pre Year-End Backup (daily) 2. Mid Year-End Backup (daily) 3. Post Year-End Backup (system) 4. Copy Files to Work Directory Fiscal Year-End Closing
Reminders... You may want to check your accounting date To do this go to... Accounting, File Handler, File Maint. System Maint. Accounting Parameter Maint Be sure the “Accounting Date” is June Fiscal Year-End Closing
Reminders... Most people prefer the “Update Budget File at Year End” parameter to be set to NO Setting to ‘NO’ allows you to determine when prior year totals are updated to the Budget Handler Check the Update Budget File at Year-End parameter Fiscal Year-End Closing
Beginning the Year End closing process Make “Pre Year-End Closing Backup” (daily) Close month of June – same as you would any other month Before beginning the Year End Closing Process be sure to load the Year-End update from LGC Fiscal Year-End Closing
Month End Closing - June Fiscal Year-End Closing Entering the option to close June prompts a reminder to run the depreciation process
Month End Closing - June Fiscal Year-End Closing The month end closing for June looks and acts like any other month end closing Process the 4 steps in sequence as you normally would
Year-End Closing Process After closing June Make “Mid Year-End Closing Backup” (Daily) Copy Files to Work Directory Fiscal Year-End Closing
Year-End Closing Process If you attempt to enter the Year End Closing option without completing this process you will be presented with the following error message... Click OK then go back and run the option to copy files to work Directory Fiscal Year-End Closing
Year-End Closing Process After running the copy process you will receive the message below. If you receive any error messages in this process – STOP – call LGC support Fiscal Year-End Closing
Year-End Closing Process Fiscal Year-End Closing Process the steps in order It is permissible to run June closing & Year End closing on consecutive days As long as No transactions are posted in the interim
Step 6. Point of No Return! Once this step is started you cannot restart the closing process without reloading a backup Year-End Closing Process Fiscal Year-End Closing
Post Year-End Closing Process After running all steps of End of Year Process make “Post Year-End Closing Backup” (System) Compare June 30 Trial Balance that printed during Month End to the Trial Balance that printed during Year End. Make sure balances rolled correctly Fiscal Year-End Closing
GASB54 Accounting The GASB54 Balance Sheet will not print during the year end closing. GASB54 Accounting will be maintained in a data directory, separate from your regular set of data files The GASB54 Accounting process can be ran anytime after the Fiscal Year End process has been completed Detailed instructions for GASB54 processing are posted on our web site Fiscal Year-End Closing
GASB 63 New Account Types added to Balance Sheet New Asset Group - Deferred Outflows of Resources New Liability Group - Deferred Inflows of Resources To be expressed as Assets + Deferred Outflows = Liabilities + Deferred Inflows Or Fiscal Year-End Closing Assets + Deferred outflows of resources - Liabilities - Deferred inflows of resources = Net position
Changes to Fund Balance GASB Nonexpendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned July to June: Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for other general purposes Undesignated Fund Balance` Copy Files for GASB reporting to a secondary data directory Journal Entries to Restate Equity Balances Fiscal Year-End Closing
GASB 54 Accounting Fiscal Year-End Closing The Copy Files to Work Directory also prepared your system to continue with the GASB54 reporting process If you get an error during this step you MUST call support for assistance or you will not be able to complete the GASB54 process If you have multiple data sets you are likely to get an error if not corrected last year
GASB 54 Accounting Fiscal Year-End Closing A previous release created: Login - GASB54 password - REPORTS Close GASB54 GL Accounts can only be run once GASB54 Closing Balance Sheet shows balances as of June 30 closing Optional - Purchasing Closing Entries Report shows amounts rolled to Prior Year Encumbrance
GASB 54 Accounting Fiscal Year-End Closing Manual Transaction allows you to enter transactions to move amounts from Undesignated Fund Balance to the various Restricted categories prescribed by GASB54 rules
GASB 54 Accounting Fiscal Year-End Closing Standard Reports are the same as before however it allows you to print modified reports for GASB54 reporting after manual transactions have been made to various reserve accounts
Year-End Closing Process You have successfully completed the Year End Closing Process If you have any questions, call LGC support Fiscal Year-End Closing
Post Year-End Closing Process Ending balances for Asset and Liability accounts should roll to the July 1 beginning balances The balance in the Fund Balance Account reflects the net difference between Revenues/ Expenditures, Prior Year Encumbrances, and Reserve Expenses For Prior Year County Trial Balance Fiscal Year-End Closing
Post Year-End Closing Process Balances from Revenues and Expenditures close into the Fund Balance account. The Current Yr Expenditure and Revenue Control accounts always begin the fiscal year with a zero balance (they never roll to the next fiscal year) Only Beginning Balances will show on this report (no July entries ) County Trial Balance Fiscal Year-End Closing
Post Year-End Closing Process Ending balances for Asset and Liability accounts should roll to the July 1 beginning balances The balance in the Fund Balance Account does not roll. It reflects the net difference between Revenues and Expenditures City Trial Balance Fiscal Year-End Closing
Post Year-End Closing Process Balances from Revenues and Expenditures close into the Fund Balance account. These accounts always begin the fiscal year with a zero balance (they never roll to the next fiscal year) Only Beginning Balances will show on this report (no July entries ) City Trial Balance Fiscal Year-End Closing