Mr. Buttell APUSH
The Stormy Sixties
Election of 1960 Americans fear U.S. falling behind Soviets militarily JFK discusses Catholicism openly First televised presidential debate (70 million viewers) Nixon Foreign Policy expert, but JFK coached Comes across better than Nixon JFK takes stand on arrest of MLK Jr.; wins black vote
Kennedy Mystique Wins in close election Critics argue he lacks substance White House becomes known as Camelot for its glamour, culture, wit JFK advisers called “the best and brightest” Brother Robert named Atty. Gen.
Military Policy New national nuclear strategy Flexible Response— fight conventional wars, keep nuclear arms balanced Change from Eisenhower’s Massive Retaliation JFK increases spending in three areas: Strengthens forces Creates Special Forces (Green Berets) Triples nuclear capabilities
Bay of Pigs Fidel Castro declares himself communist Seizes U.S. properties; IKE cuts off diplomatic relations 10% of Cuban pop. goes into exile; mostly to U.S. Pres. Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to train Cuban exiles in March 1960 for invasion JFK learns of plan nine days after his election Though he had doubts, he approved it, plans go wrong; exile forces killed, taken prisoner JFK pays ransom in food, medicine; mission is public embarrassment
Cuban Missile Crisis Krushchev sends weapons to Cuba, including nuclear JFK warns Soviets that missile attack will trigger war on USSR Soviets avoid confrontation at sea; reach agreement with US Krushchev’s prestige severely damaged JFK criticized for brinkmanship, and not ousting Castro Cuban exiles switch to GOP; Castro bans flights to/from Miami
Berlin Crisis By 1961, 20% of Germans flee to W. Berlin; economic drain on East Khrushchev wants to close roads to W. Berlin; JFK refuses Soviets isolate W. Berlin from E. Germany with Berlin Wall Tensions rising, both leaders establish a hot line—direct phone between White House and Kremlin Limited Test Ban Treaty bans nuclear tests in atmosphere.
New Frontier New Frontier—policies of the Kennedy administration JFK faces Republican-Southern Democrat coalition Lacks skill to get policies passed Lacks mandate—clear voter support for his agenda 1960, U.S. in recession; 6% unemployment Admin. pushes for deficit spending to stimulate growth Gets 20% increase for defense; money for unemployment problems
Addressing Poverty Abroad Peace Corps—volunteers assist developing nations; great success Alliance for Progress—economic, technical assistance to Latin America Meant to deter spread of communism
Race to the Moon April 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is first man in space Soon after, U.S. puts man in space, uses satellite communications July 1969 U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong is first man to walk on moon University science programs grows; new industries, technologies arise
The Space Race: “man on the moon ”
Alabama, 1963
Freedom Riders in Montgomery
Welcome to Birmingham
Birmingham, 1963
“Putting on the Pressure”
Gov. George Wallace
Vivian Malone
June 11,1963: AL Gov. Wallace blocks two students from entering U of A Kennedy denounces racism on national TV Promises a new civil rights bill
June 12,1963: Medgar Evers, Pres. MS Chapter NAACP
Byron De La Beckwith 1963, 1994 & 1997
Planning the March on Washington
John Lewis 1963 and 2003