Eurasian Trade, Prosperity, Transport, and the Challenges ahead José Viegas, Secretary-General ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport & Logistics Network Seoul, 9-11 Sept. 2015
Intergovernmental Organisation 57 member countries (23 non-OECD) Politically autonomous, administratively integrated at the OECD Council of Ministers of Transport, rotating annual presidency Legal instruments: European Multilateral Quota System (Road Freight)
Global freight volumes and CO2 emissions by corridor (Baseline Scenario) Intra-North America South Pacific route Intra- South America North Atlantic route Intra- Europe Intra-Asia North Pacific route North Pacific route Oceania South Atlantic route Indian Ocean route Intra- Africa Mediterranean and Caspian Sea Freight volume in billion tonne-km CO 2 Emissions in million tonnes +270% +280% +374% +403% +191% +332% +273% +195% +344% +263% +216% +174% +258% +142% +400% +309% +316% +225% +269% +194% +406% +715% +689% +315%
Big problems at border crossings (inc. Ports) 4
Network model Infrastructure and routes a)Road (highways or main roads) b)Rail (station, network) c)Sea (ports, routes) d)Air (airports, commercial flights) – Differential speeds by mode, infrastructure and continent Routable O-D network Links between modes and to centroids Includes dwelling times between modes Port capacity Source: ITF International Freight model OpenStreetMap, OpenFlights, Sea Project, UCL Formulation
Two main routes were tested with two potential transfer links in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Assumptions: Improve the links to solve interoperability (gauge) and border crossing issues Reduce 50% lost time Improve average commercial speed of the network to 60 km/h Travel time: Munich->Shanghai Reduce from 4 to 2 weeks Eurasian rail corridors 6
7 Ministerial Meeting and Declaration from Ministers Ministers’ Roundtables Panel discussions with Ministers, industry, research, civil society Bilaterals and networking Exhibition 1100 participants from 66 countries (2015) Annual Summit
Thank you José Viegas T +33 (0) E Postal address 2 rue Andre Pascal Paris Cedex 16