Welcome to EP114! Jessica Rodriguez, M.S.. Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: EP114-1: Discuss the.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to EP114! Jessica Rodriguez, M.S.

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: EP114-1: Discuss the growth and development patterns of school-age students EP114-2: Examine biological and environmental factors affecting the development of school-age students EP114-3: Apply educational development theories to school-age students in a real-world scenario GEL-7.1: Identify the ethical issues within the field of educational development of school-age students GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English

E-College Platform: Units Units ◦ 10 per term ◦ Located on left side of course homepage ◦ Include readings, discussions, seminars

E-College Platform: Tools Tools (located at the top of the course home page) ◦ Gradebook ◦ ◦ Chat ◦ DocSharing ◦ Dropbox ◦ Webliography

Dropbox Submit all projects to the Dropbox All projects should be submitted in Microsoft Word Save your project with first name, last name, and unit # ◦ Example: JessicaRodriguezUnit3

Syllabus: Seminars Live seminars For full credit, attend the full hour and contribute to the discussion Attend Flex Seminar, 7pm EST; 8 pm EST Seminar option 2: Due at the end of the unit ◦ For full credit, respond to the questions with a 200 – 300 -word (minimum) response.

Contact Information address: ◦ Include course number (EP114) in the subject line Office hours: ◦ Available by appointment AIM screen name: RodriguezKaplan

Syllabus: Textbook Child Development and Education, 4th Ed.

Discussion Requirements For full credit: For full credit: 1. Complete answers to all discussion questions. Make sure your responses provide a thorough discussion of the questions and include relevant examples of unit concepts. 2. Make sure your postings relate to the readings. Include reflections about how the unit objectives will be relevant to your “real world” experiences in the classroom. 3. Write responses that are at least 100 words. Read over your responses before posting to check for clear writing and correct spelling and grammar. 4. Interact with other students. Make sure to further the discussion by connecting your responses to the readings and course content. You should also interact with at least 2 classmates per thread Connect and Cite Course Readings. You must make connections to the readings through citations 6. Post on time. 6. Post on time. Late Discussion Board posts will be given partial credit.

Set of criteria to determine whether or not the requirements of an assignment have been met. Greater the number of requirements met, the greater the number of points earned. Located in the Syllabus for each type of assignment in this course. What is a rubric?!

E-College Platform: Course Homepage Announcements Welcome Overview What’s New Syllabus Course Questions APA Quick Reference Library Presentation

Kaplan Library Presentation ◦ To get familiar with the library, click the “Kaplan Library Presentation” link under Course Home ◦ Kaplan’s Library will be used for projects. Course Home

Course Questions ◦ Questions are encouraged to be posted in the Course Questions thread. ◦ Personal issues or grading questions should be sent by . ◦ Responses will be posted within 24 hours Monday-Friday and within 48 hours Saturday-Sunday. ◦ Feel free to assist one another in the Course Questions thread. Course Home

Student Lounge ◦ Get to know one another! ◦ Think of this as a traditional student lounge or break room. ◦ Non-course related discussions are welcome! ◦ Feel free to discuss class topics with one another, but I will not watch this thread for questions. ◦ Encourage and support one another Course Home

APA Quick Reference ◦ Examples of references and citations are provided. ◦ Kaplan’s Writing Center is an additional resource to assist with APA guidelines. ◦ Other questions may be posted in the Course Questions thread. ◦ Practice makes perfect! Just do your best and strive to improve. ◦ Utilize Kaplan’s Writing Center in order to make improvements. Course Home

Course Level Assessment (FAQ included) ◦ Please see CLA link on the left side of the screen under Course Home. Course Home

Introduce Yourself Complete Readings Review Web Resources Participate in this week’s Discussion Thread under Discussion Either attend Seminar OR complete Seminar Option 2 Complete the Graded Review Unit 1 Assignments

Plagiarism Taking another person’s words, ideas, or results as their own. (If you want to include someone else’s words, ideas, or results, be sure to give proper credit to the source by following APA citation guidelines.) Copying work or written text without properly citing it. If you want to quote an author, you must give proper credit to the author. Please use quotations sparingly in your projects. Turning in an assignment that another student either partially or wholly completed. Your projects need to be written entirely by you.

Microsoft Word is required for all KU classes. *Be aware that Kaplan weeks run from Wednesday to Tuesday. *Begin Discussion thread posts as early in the week as possible in order to build a substantial discussion. *Assignments are due on Tuesdays by 12 midnight ET. Points will be deducted for late assignments as explained in the syllabus. Tips for Success

* Compose assignments, including discussion, in MS Word and use Spell-check. Cut and paste discussion back to the discussion board. * Make every attempt to complete readings prior to seminar. * Remember that no question is too small-ask! More Tips for Success

We’re off to the Unit 1 Topics…

Children always develop as integrated wholes, never as fragmented beings. Thus, in their everyday work with children, educators often will address more than one domain at a time.

Child Development Study of the persistent, cumulative, and progressive changes in the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of children and adolescents

Guided By 3 Factors Nature – the genetic inheritance of that particular child Nurture – the influence of the environment in which the child lives The child’s own activity – what the child does, the choices and efforts the he/she makes

Question… Share examples of how nature (biological factors) affects human development…

Question… Share examples of how nurture(environmental factors) affects human development…

Question… Share examples of how a child’s own activity can affect human development…

Three Developmental Domains Physical Development – physical changes of the body and brain; physical and brain growth and age-related changes in motor skills Cognitive Development – systematic changes that occur in children’s reasoning, concepts, memory, and language Social-Emotional Development – systematic changes in emotions, self-concepts, motivation, social relationships, and moral reasoning and behavior.

Physical Development… What are some examples of physical development?

Cognitive Development… What are some examples of cognitive development?

Social- Emotional Development… What are some examples of social- emotional development?

Universality and Diversity Universality – commonalities seen in all individuals Diversity – different individuals progress in different ways

Change Qualitative – major reorganizations in development (walking to running, speaking single words to phrases/sentences) Quantitative – gradual progression with many small additions and modifications (a child growing taller over time)

Organized systems of principles and explanations regarding a particular aspect of child development Guided by: ◦ Hypotheses and questions ◦ Research methods ◦ Interpretations of data Child Development Theories…

Theories of Child Development Biological Behaviorism and social learning Psychodynamic Cognitive-developmental Cognitive process Sociocultural Developmental systems

Biological Theories Emphasize bodily maturation & motor abilities Historically, overlooked effects of experience Darwin, Montessori, Lorenz, Bowlby Key principles: ◦ maturational levels impose limits on abilities & interests ◦ physical abilities serve valuable functions

Behaviorist & Social Learning Theories Behaviorism: visible, external behaviors & environmental influences ◦ Skinner, Pavlov Social learning: beliefs and goals ◦ Bandura

Psychodynamic Theories Interaction between internal conflicts & environment Role of early experience Social/personality, abnormal development ◦ Freud, Erikson

Cognitive-Developmental Theories Qualitative changes in thinking processes Children play an active role ◦ Piaget, Kohlberg, Flavell

Cognitive Process Theories Detailed analyses of what children think and do ◦ Siegler

Sociocultural Theory Impact of social and cultural systems “process of children becoming full adult participants in the society into which they are born” ◦ Vygotsky, Greenfield, Gauvain

Developmental Systems Theory Dynamic relation among systems ◦ child’s body ◦ physical environment ◦ multiple, interconnected social systems ◦ Bronfenbrenner, Thelen

McDevitt, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child Development and Education. Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc. References

Happy Learning! Good night and see you next week in seminar!