Psikologi Anak Pertemuan 13 Review
Psikologi Anak
Nature of Child Development
Theories of child development Psychoanalytic Cognitive Behavioral and social cognitive Ethological Ecological
Abnormal behavior in childhood and adolescence Definition Causes Risk and reciliency Assessment
Physical development
Biological beginnings Genetic foundations Prenatal, birth, and post-partum
Health-related issues Nutrition Eating behavior Sleep
Motor, sensory, and perceptual development Motor development Sensory and perceptual development Sensory processing
Cognitive Development
Cognitive theories Cognitive developmental approaches –Piaget –Vygotsky Information processing –Attention –Memory –Thinking –Metacognition
Emotional Development of emotion Temperament Attachment
Moral Domains od moral development Context of moral development
Gender Influences on gender development Gender stereotypes Gender roles
Social context of development Family –Parenting –Siblings –Child maltreatment Peer Culture
Behavioral disorders ADHD ODD Conduct disorder
Emotional Disorders Anxiety disorders Mood disorders
Developmental disorders Pervasive developmental disorders Mental retardation
Health related problems Feeding and eating disorders Sleep disorders Elimination disorders Substance use