A “Philosophy” of Coaching? Where are you going and why? –Why are you a coach? –What are you trying to accomplish?
A Mission Statement: a clear concise statement that answers: –what is the purpose, the objective? –what are your values? –what is the end result or product being sought? –how are we going to get there?
Goal Setting: Specific, attainable, realistic objectives for the: Program: Season: Individual: How then do you measure success as a coach?
Defining Success Processvs Results Learning/ Development vsWinning MissionvsGoals Fun?vsStress?
Where is the Balance? at what point, or under what circumstances, do you or can you focus on winning vs learning?
“Success” for the youth coach is defined: …by the improvement noted in the performance of their players and team from match to match. To that end, the analysis of the team’s performance and the preparation of practices to improve deficiencies in that performance are essential to achieve success. In the development of players, outscoring your opponent is not as important as the learning process!
Performance (Games) Education (Practice) Analysis (Evaluation) The Coaching (or Learning) Cycle
The Role of the Coach -Be a Role Model - be honest and fair, punctual and professional -Try to learn about and understand your players -facilitate and encourage a positive learning environment -be a student of the game
“Politicians, Administrators, and Field Leaders” Four Essential Coaching Skills:
1. Evaluation/Observation: -Be a doctor: Diagnose problems and prescribe a cure -Learn to coach players (not just soccer) -Link your practice objectives to your observations of the match
2. Organization: -Plan and prepare your season and your session -Calendars, phone-trees, policies, etc. -organize training tools in advance
3. Demonstration: -painting a picture for your players -the "model" group -the "freeze" technique (stop, show, and go)
4. Motivation: -Would you be having fun doing this? -Is it competitive? Is everyone involved? -How are you starting your practices? -Be Fair, Firm, and Fun -Care about your players
Questions for Discussion: Regarding the Four "Essential Coaching Skills“ which is: 1.the most important? 2.the hardest to attain? 3.the one you are best at today?