Welcome Instructional Support Leadership Network Meeting November 14, 2013
Back Channel for today
Professional Learning PGES—How can principals increase effectiveness in coaching conversations with teachers? – Activities: A Coaching Conversation Video Clip – Graffiti walk responding to “Rethinking Teacher Evaluation” Science—Update on Science Network and How Principals can Support the Work – Video and scripting TPGES, PPGES, Professional Learning Break-Out
Before we view a video clip… Please count off 1-2 at your table. 1s will script what the Observer says. 2s will script what the teachers says.
A Coaching Conversation
Table Talk
Responding to Reading Principals and Teachers Talk about Instruction
Graffiti Stations Respond with: – Another quotation from the article – An example that you have experienced related to the topic – A question for further understanding – A thought or further elaboration on the statement
Implementation of PGES For the next few informational slides, please use the backchannel to ask questions, comment on what is going well as well as the barriers that have existed up to this point of implementation.
Timeline for TPGES & PPGES By the end of this semester, Pilot Teachers have: Completed Self-Reflection on Standards (paper/pencil) and complete the self-reflection tool in EDS. Collaborated with peers and principal to consider multiple student data points in the development of a Student Growth Goal and enter the goal into EDS. Developed Professional Growth Goal, based on self- reflection as well as principal input, and enter goal into EDS. Completed the KET/PBS video modules on Peer Observation. Have had two observations (typically, principal and peer) UPCOMING: Mid-year Conference with the Principal
Timeline for TPGES & PPGES Principals in the PPGES Pilot have – Developed the Student Growth, Working Condition, and Professional Growth Goal and Strategies. (Your own for PPGES) Shared your goals/collaborated with superintendent. Agreed on goals. – UPCOMING Mid-year Conference with the Superintendent Principals in the TPGES Pilot – Collaborated with pilot teachers and agree on teacher goals (TPGES) – Set the observation windows in EDS (TPGES) – Observed in either window 1 or window 2 – NOTE: Principals must pass the TeachScape tests. – UPCOMING: Mid-year Conference with Pilot Teachers
PPGES Superintendent/Designee: (PPGES) – Engaged in the beginning of the year conference with principals – Collaborated with principal and agree on the SGG, WCG, and PGP. – Scheduled your first site visit (one each semester) – UPCOMING: Mid-year Conference with the Pilot Principals
NKCES Science Network
Video of a Science Classroom While you are observing the classroom activity please script what you are seeing the students doing. Also, think about the science practices and try to identify which practices are being used within the lesson.
Video Clip
Table Talk Discuss with your table group your observations, noting discrepancies and common findings. – Scripting – Practices
20-minute rotation: Round Table Discussions Consider your questions template that you completed before the meeting Go to the 2 table groups where you still have the most questions
Upcoming TPGES Table-Talk How are we going to support our teachers in the process? How are we going to make the professional learning meaningful? How are we going to foster a collegial culture of inquiry? What structures do we need in place to facilitate the peer observations?
Large Group Share Out Please choose someone at your Round Table to share some of the ideas/new learning from your group. – How are we going to support our teachers in the process? – How are we going to make the professional learning meaningful? – How are we going to foster a collegial culture of inquiry? – What structures do we need in place to facilitate the peer observations?
Technical Information Teachers should NOT click “Submit Final” button on the peer observation Teachers should register for the training modules in EDS and through KET Peer observations are not evaluative, and they should take place during the 2 nd or 3 rd window A pre- and post- conference should occur during the pilot to ease apprehension and encourage collegiality
Upcoming Dates…
Upcoming Dates: December 12—SGG Professional Learning to Support Principals to better support teachers – Summit View Community Center
ISLN January 24, 2014—METS Center Please consider bringing a teacher with you to serve on a panel for questions about the implementation process so far.
Looking Forward Scaling up TPGES using Professional Learning Teams/Communities: Ways Principals May Set up and Support Structures of PLTs Scaling up PPGES: A deep-dive into the components For Principals: Effective use of CIITS/EDS/PD 360 in PGES implementation Other needs…
Please complete the Evaluation Online