Quilt Warm Up
Quote 1 “ We had old ragged huts made out of poles, and some of the cracks were filled with mud and moss, and some were not. We didn ’ t have any good beds, just scaffolds jailed up to the wall made out of poles and old ragged bedding thrown on them. That sure was hard sleeping, but even that felt good to our weary bones after those long hard days of work in the fields. ”
Quote 2 M ” y father was sold away from us when I was small. That was a sad time for us. Master would not sell the mothers away from their children, so we lived on without fear of being sold. My Pa sure did hate to leave us. He missed us and we longed for him. He would often slip back to our cottage at night. We would gather around him and crawl up in his lap, an he tickled us for a long time. But he gave us these pleasures at a painful risk. When his master missed him, he would beat him all the way home. ”
Quote 3 “ Uncle Big Jake sure worked the slaves from early morning till night. When you are in the field, you ’ d better not lag behind. When it is raining or snowing the hands are put to work fixing this and that. It didn ’ t matter what the weather was, we would be out in the fields working all day long. ”
Quote 4 “ The slaves did not have churches as we have now. They walls out of small pine trees. Some of them did even have pine trees for walls. When they wanted to sing and pray, they would steal off into the woods. Whipping did not stop them from having meetings. When one place was discovered they would make another..All of them would sing and pray. ”
Abolitionist Movement
Key Terms Abolitionists- men and women who work to end slavery. Emancipation- the freeing of slaves.
What did abolitionists believe? 1.) Most abolitionists demanded immediate freeing of the slaves. 2.) Abolitionists believed that slavery was wrong because they thought slavery was: a.) Morally wrong b.) Cruel and inhumane c.) A violation of the principles of democracy
Harriet Tubman Led hundreds of enslaved African Americans to freedom along the Underground Railroad
William Lloyd Garrison Wrote the Liberator newspaper and worked for the immediate emancipation of all enslaved African Americans
Frederick Douglas Wrote the North Star newspaper and worked for rights for African Americans and women to better their lives.
Underground Railroad Terms Track- the path that the enslaved people followed to freedom. Conductor- the escaped enslaved person who knew the path and led others along their journey Passengers- the enslaved people who were running away to freedom Stations- the safe houses that the runaway enslaved people stayed and hid inside.