Fronts and air masses By the administrator Copyright of
What is an air mass? Well, an air mass is a mass of air that obtains the properties of an area it is over for a long time. There are four different kinds of air masses. Continental polar mass- it has dry and cold air Continental tropical air mass- it has dry and warm air Maritime polar air mass-it has humid and cold air Maritime tropical air mass-it has humid and warm air These are the four kinds of air masses
What is a front? Well, a front is a boundary between two air masses. There are also four types of fronts. Cold front- when a cold front forms, a cold air mass pushes a warm mass, and it makes the warm air mass rise. It brings thunder clouds because the warm air masses rises, then cools, and then condenses. When the front leaves, fair weather begins. A warm front-when a warm air mass slides over a cool air mass. It brings light snow and rain. When this air mass leaves, it brings mild weather. Stationary front-when each air mass has no strength to push each other. They just stand still. This can bring many days of precipitation. Occluded front-forms when a warm air mass gets stuck between two cold air masses. The warm air mass rises and coll pushes. This can bring heavy weather and winds.
Front and weather Usually near fronts, weather occurs. But, why does this happen? Well, when the warm air rises, it starts to become cooler and condenses, and so do the water molecules in the air. Clouds form, and weather happens.