Euraxess – Researchers in motion – key initiative of European Commission for enhancing careers of researchers. Established in EURAXESS (until ERA-MORE)
Headquarters – Bruxelles - Research Directorate General - Janez Potočnik 200 Euraxess centers in 35 countries in Europe EURAXESS
Members of EURAXESS
Croatia became a member of EURAXESS programme on June 1st, Bridgehead organization- Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes Euraxess Service Center – August 1st, EURAXESS in Croatia
Local Contact Points 7 institutions University of Zagreb Institute Ru đ er Bošković University of Osijek University of Rijeka University of Zadar University of Split University of Dubrovnik Pula
7 Local Contact Points University of Osijek - Klaudija Kulešević University of Rijeka - g đ a Iva Tijan University of Zagreb - gdin Hrvoje Mataković University of Zadar - gdin Darko Frleta University of Split - g đ a Snježana Lisičić University of Dubrovnik - g đ a Sandra Lazimbat Institute Ru đ er Bošković Croatian researcher’s mobility network
EURAXESS services for researchers
Foreign citizens – incoming researchers Croatian citizens – outgoing researchers Croatian researchers in diaspora Researchers
Assistance with finding a job in science CV advertisement Assistance with finding grants & fellowships Help with legal & logistic issues in mobility Connecting you with R&D organizations EURAXESS services for researchers
accommodation day care and schooling intellectual property rights language courses recognition of qualifications salaries and taxation social and cultural aspects social security, pension rights and healthcare visas work permits Practical services provided by EURAXESS
EURAXESS services for R&D organizations
Free advertisement of open job offers Large selection of researcher’s CVs Help with the process of hosting foreign researchers Advertisement of fellowships & grants Removing bariers in researcher’s mobility EURAXESS services for R&D organizations
Euraxess Jobs Euraxess Services Euraxess Rights Euraxess Link 4 EU initiatives
- Launched July 2003 Single Entry Point for: - Researchers looking to advance their career in another European country - Organisations wishing to recruit the most talented European and non-European researchers Jobs
– Virtual job market: vacancy and CV database – Funding and job opportunities – Job vacancies funded by the Marie Curie Actions – Link to the electronic newsletter « Europe4Researchers » – CVs – registered R&D organizations Jobs
Includes all information for relocation assistance Launched June 2004 Around 200 mobility centres in Europe and numerous contact points National mobility centres are set up by the national bridgehead organisation(s) appointed by the Research Ministry. Services
Offer customized assistance to researchers and their families before, during and after their move abroad The EURAXESS Service Centres:
« Charter » sets out the rights and duties of researchers as well as research and funding institutions. « Code of Conduct » aims at ensuring equal treatment of all researchers in Europe and increasing transparency in their recruitment. Signed by 800 organizations in 23 European countries Rights (Charter & Code)
networking tool A networking tool for researchers outside Europe Launched in US in 2005 and in Japan in 2008 Keeps European researchers in these regions fully informed of EU research policies, career opportunities in Europe Opportunities for collaboration with Europe 3500 European researchers are currently members of EURAXESS Links in the US Links
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes Zagreb, Ljudevita Gaja 22 T: F: Mob: Euraxess Service Center & Help desk
European Commission EURAXESS Croatia Euraxess websites
Thank you very much! EURAXESS Croatia