EUSDR PA7, VIII SG meeting Mr Stefano Brumat, Project Administrator Rossi Vienna, 10/12/2014
How Danube:Future will work
Latest activities/ Short notices Danube:Future is part of the 2015 DRC Action Plan (approved in General Assembly in Belgrade, ) Verena Winiwarter (PC) became member of the Local Actors platform (PA 10) 2014 DIS Proceedings available online (in 20 days 320 views, also from USA!) Preface dedicated to the FS structure 1 st Danube:Future Workshop: Announcement (Dec 3 rd ) 2015 DIS Call for Applications: 45 applications from 10 Danube Countries (Dec 5 th ) Invitation from Donau-limes project (PA 3) to prepare a joint pre- conference at the next Annual Forum Cooperation with Danube Sturgeon Task Force (PA 6) EUSDR PA10 TAF project completed
Titolo sezione Background: Objects/background_layout_2.png OUTCOMES are available to organizations, institutions and decision makers 2015 Planned main activities developing the DF knowledge-base of experts and projects connected with DFp and the DF WIKI (ALREADY IN PROGRESS); 2015 DIAnet International School in Gorizia March 14 th – 23 rd, 2015 1 st Danube:Future Workshop to prepare a White Paper on research needs in Klagenfurt April 8 th - 10 th, 2015; Set-up the project proposal for building new services for DRC/AARC Universities (ie Decision Support Facility, Green Job Idea pool,..) impro ving visibility of Danube:Future through the websites of EUSDR, EUSDR PA7, AARC, DRC, IPCPR, IAD, Universities and other organizations Building new network of researchers for building new interdisciplinary project ideas
Danube:Future Knowledge Base
EUSDR PA10 TAF-DRP Management of the Project Knowledge Base: funding options; Decision support facility: aimed at providing a systematic pool of information and knowledge for the sustainable development of the Danube region; Green job idea pool: aimed at creating an online "Sustainable Business Incubator”, as outcomes of the collaboration of Universities and Incubators. Follow up: in the next 6 months, according to PA10 rules
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