Abnormal Psychology So far, we’ve talked about understanding the behaviors of normal people. What about people who behave in what are clearly abnormal ways?
Perspectives on madness Posession by spirits Psychogenic hypothesis: Insanity as a mental disorder. Somatogenic hypothesis: Insanity is caused by a physical disease. Ex: Syphillis can cause general paresis
Anxiety disorders Characterized by an abnormal fixation on a thing or thoughts. –Phobia: Intense, irrational fear of something Conditioning: ex. Baby Albert Preparedness: Not all phobias are created equal –Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Persistent internal notions that something is wrong which cannot be controlled. –Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Mood disorders Characterized by debilitating emotional states of mind –Mania: Abnormally elevated mood; extreme elation, with in inability to concentrate, restlessness, irritability, and lack of inhibition –Depression: Extreme dejection accompanied by feelings of worthlessness. –Bipolar disorder: Extreme and unexplained mood swings from mania to depression.
Conversion disorders Characterized by extreme physical symptoms, such as seizures or paralysis, that have no discernable physical cause.
Dissociative disorders Thoughts and mental states seem to be dissociated from the psyche, such that a person is unaware of actions that the body engages in. –Multiple Personality Disorder –Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Schizophrenia Literally, “Fractured Mind” Characterized by a fragmented mental existence. Thoughts do not follow a coherent trail. The world lacks clear cohesion. –Fragmented Thought –Fragmented attention –Withdrawal from social contact –Delusions –Hallucinations