M IND AND B RAIN Kimberly Skeens ATE 628
A NATOMY OF A B RAIN Three main parts Base, Brain stem, Medulla Cerebellum, limbic system Cerebrum, Cerebral Cortex
A NATOMY OF A B RAIN Base, Brain Stem, Medulla Controls autonomic functions Respiration Circulation Digestion
A NATOMY OF A B RAIN Cerebellum, limbic system Coordinates movement Limbic System Emotional behavior Long-term memory
A NATOMY OF A B RAIN Cerebral Cortex Two Hemispheres Left Brain controls Right side Right Brain controls Left side Left Brain – Logical Thinking Right Brain – Creativity and Artistic Ability Sections Frontal lobe – Motor and Speech (Pink) Occipital lobe – Sight (Green) Parietal lobe – Sensation and Perception (Yellow) Temporal lobe – Hearing, Memory, and Emotion(Blue)
N EURONS Camillo Golgi’s method of staining Neurons with Silver salts Unique structures throughout brain Low frequency transmission of electrical impulses
E XERCISE – M EDITATION Put down you pen and notebook Close your eyes Take a deep breath and release, again Breath, Heart, blood, kidney, stomach, signals that occur without your conscious effort What about blinking your eyes? How many times have you told your heart to keep beating?
N EW S TUDIES ON THE B RAIN AND G ENDER Famous book – Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus Darwin supposed that since female brains were smaller, therefore they learned less Also, Harvard President, Lawrence Summers, suggested that the reason there were fewer women in Science was because of their brain size Women have been found to have more brain cells in the temporal lobe which is associated with Language and Comprehension Medications and treatments may become gender specific
E XERCISE – B ALANCE Stand up Make sure you have a friend or chair to grab if needed Stand on one foot for as long as possible The older you get, the shorter the time Great exercise for increasing your balance, practice in a doorway or other stable place
N EW N EURAL P ATHWAYS C AN B E B UILT Neurons do die off BUT, you can exercise your brain to build new ones Brain Age for Nintendo DS Tetris and other programs Learning Styles Brain Program from my website
R EFERENCES Pictures from Microsoft Image Library and David’s Science Stuff ( Cahill, Larry. "His Brain, Her Brain." Scientific American 25 April 2005: