Establishment Guidance Tool kit Intelligence for Humanity Guidance Tool for Organization of Ebola Survivors
Establishment of Ebola survivor Corps Establishment of Ebola Survivor Corps Action, Communication and Coordination system (ES-COPRS ACC) Recognition of Ebola Survivors Recruitment of Ebola Survivors Establishment of Ebola Survivor Spaces
ES-CORPS Action, Communication and Coordination system ES-CORPS (ESC) ES-CORPS Team Leader (ESC-TL) ES-COPRS Community Coordinator (ESC-CC) ES-COPRS Divisional Coordinator (ESC-DC) ES-COPRS Regional Coordinator (ESC-RC) ES-COPRS National Coordinator (ESC-NC)
Recognition - T-Shirts for ES-CORPS
Some captions that could be printed in T-Shirts Ebola Survivors are our heroes We love our Ebola Survivors We support Ebola Survivors NB: These need to be culturally adopted to each community
T-Shirts for ES-CORPS T-Shirt Colors could be light blue, light green or yellow.
Community Coordinator Divisional Coordinator Regional Coordinator National Coordinator Team Leader Recognition of Chain of Command
Community Coordinator Divisional Coordinator Regional Coordinator National Coordinator Team Leader Badges for Recognition of Chain of Command
Recruitment Documentary evidence of completion of care for EVD in a Western Type Health Institution is mandatory for registration with ES-Corps. The recruitment for the ES-Corp will be totally voluntary.
Recruitment of Ebola Survivor Corps Will be done at two settings – Health Institutions (At discharge) – In the community (After discharge)
Pre-Recruitment Consultation A consultation will be organized with the ES-CORPS promoters either in the hospital discharge area or in the community. This consultation will provide details with regards to the ES-Corps and ES-Space program such as – the objectives, – nearest ES-SPACE, – psychological support, – volunteer opportunities and – other benefits of becoming an ES-Corp.
Recruitment An Ebola Survivor will fill out an application and consent with the terms and conditions of the ES-CORPS. The ES-COPRS will be entered in the ES-CORPS register and ES-CORPS number will be given. An identity card with the ES-CORPS registration number will be issued.
Ebola Survivor Space Ebola Survivor Space is a physical and social space where Ebola Survivors could receive self-help, training and empowerment and unite for volunteer opportunities. It is the heart and brain of the Ebola Survivor Corps activities that would occur in a given community.
Establishment of ES-SPACE ES-SPACE will be established in each community affected by the EVD. It will be established and run by Ebola Survivors. ES-CORPS community coordinator will man and run the ES-SAPCE in each community.
Areas of ES-SPACE The whole ES-SPACE, or part of it will be used for the following depending on the size of the SPACE and the number of ES-CORPS. – Greeting and Registration area – Psychological First Aid area – Meeting Room/Training area – Solidarity pack distribution area – Display of resources and volunteer opportunities. – Office area
Equipment to be available in the ES-SPACE One or two tables Few Chairs Necessary Formats Few White Boards/back boards with writing material Health education material Computer and Printer (optional) Telephone (optional)
Resources Inventory A resource inventory will be established in each community for which the methodology will be described later. The resources available for Ebola Survivors will be displayed in the Ebola Survivor Space.
Development Opportunity Inventory A development Opportunity Inventory will be established in each community. The development opportunities available in each community will be displayed in the Ebola Survivor Space.
Contact us Website: ebolasurvivorcoprs