AIAA DE Section Council Members Education: -Vacant- Honors & Awards:Eric Rohrbaugh Career Enhancement:Tim McCardell Communication: -Vacant- Webmaster: -Vacant- Newsletter:Dave Rosenberg Programs:Entire Council Young Professional: -Vacant- Technical:Robert Bonifant STEM K-12:Breanne Wooten Membership:Dave Rosenberg Public Policy:Tim Dominick RAC Representation:Dave Rosenberg/Eric Spero Chair:Eric Spero Vice-Chair:Tim Dominick Treasurer:Erika Conly Secretary:Bernadette Goncz These vacancies are open to anyone in the Section Please contact any of the Council above to get involved
AIAA 2011 Section Awards The AIAA DE Section has done it again, thanks to YOU! First Place (5) - Outstanding Section - Career and Workforce Development - Membership - STEM K-12 Outreach - Public Policy Second Place (1) - Communication Third Place (1) - Young Professional
Upcoming Activities
Co-Sponsored Guest Speaker Dr. Mark Lewis Willis Young Professor, Department Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland College Park “Aerospace S&T in a Resource- Constrained Environment” Wednesday, October 26, :30pm ; Social, hors d’oeuvres and cash bar start at 6:00pm Clarion Hotel and Conference Center 980 Hospitality Way Aberdeen, MD (only 30 minutes from ATK Elkton on Route 40) Members: FREE | Non-Members: $10 For additional information, please contact:
Region I YPSE Conference Region I Young Professional, Student, and Educator Conference A Mid-Atlantic Section Annual Event Friday, November 4, 2011 Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland Looking for volunteers to: Chair a session Judge papers Please contact one of the following people for further information: Vinny Ramachandran Dr. Surya Raghu
National Chemistry Week 2011 Please join the American Chemistry Society in celebrating “Chemistry – Our Health, Our Future!” The week of October And join us for some fun, local events on Saturday, November 5, :00pm – 4:00pm The Independence School 1300 Paper Mill Road, Newark, DE Please contact Lois Weyer to RSVP: (410) (daytime) (610) (evening)
Region I Rocket Competition Event was so successful last year, that AIAA has decided to do it again! Coming Soon (April 2012) AIAA DE Section is recruiting for this year’s team – contact Eric Spero or Tim Dominick DE/ Mid-Atlantic AIAA Team w/ NASA Langley Team DE/ Mid-Atlantic AIAA Team DE/ Mid-Atlantic AIAA Team Rocket (“Humpty Dumpty”)
Lunch Lecture Series Lunch and Learn is Back! October – Dave McGrath (tent.) November – available December – available January – Harvey Maclary: Aero$pace Inve$ting February – Dave McGrath (tent.) March – DVD (F-22 Raptor) April - available If you’re interested in presenting or have a specific topic you’d like to see presented, please contact: Tim McCardell (x1560)
Since We Last Met…
Bus Trip to Washington D.C. Please join us next June! On June 18, 2011 the AIAA DE Section returned to the National Air & Space Museum on the National Mall in Washington D.C.!
DE Aerospace Academy Visit to ATK-Elkton On July 14, 2011 the AIAA DE Section and ATK-Elkton hosted 35 students from the Delaware Aerospace Academy for an intro to solid rocket motors and a tour of the testing area AIAA DE Section is helping to shape the future aerospace workforce
AIAA DE Section LinkedIn Group += While this group is just getting off the ground, we would like it to become a tool our members can use to stay in touch with others throughout the area
DE Section Web Site – How Do I Access It?
DE Section Web Site – What’s The Link? AIAA DE Section web site is becoming the place for communication with the DE Section
Membership Information Dave Rosenberg or Tim Dominick (x1069) Welcome to the AIAA DE Section!