Mental Disorders Chapter Four
Depression Sad and Hopeless Lack of energy Withdrawal Loss of appetite Little sleep
ADHD Inattentive Impulsively hyperactive Problems doing daily activities
Anxiety Feel nervous and worried
Panic Attacks Sudden feeling of terror Desperate to escape the situation
Phobias Excessive/persistent fear of something that can cause danger
Obsessive-Compulsive Repeated,,disturbing and unwanted thoughts Ritual behaviors Impossible to control
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder An experience can trigger memories of trauma Smells,sounds,shapes
Eating Disorders Obsessive behavior/thoughts over weight control Bulimia: eat a lot and purge Anorexia :not eat or very little
Hypochondria Belief of illness when none is present
Bi-Polar Uncontrollable cycles of extremes Happiness to depression
Schizophrenia False perceptions of reality Halucinations Delusions