Adult Orthodontics Zulkhairi, Idham, Huda, Laila, Fadhila, Aimi
Adult orthodontics Orthodontic treatment provided for adults to: – Improve dental appearance – Treat relapse cases – Facilitate restorative or periodontal treatment – Surgical correction of jaw discrepancy – Use intraoral mandibular advancement appliances for obstructive sleep apnea
Differences between Adults & Children Medical history - Medications & medical conditionPsychological – very demandingGrowth - Unsuitable for functional appliancePrevious disease – Caries, periodontal disease, toothwear Stability - Reduce cell turnoverCell biology - Slower cell response
Specific Problems in Adult Orthodontics Lack of growth No scope for growth modification Skeletal discrepancy can only be treated with orthodontic camouflage/combined orthognathic & orthodontic Can be difficult to reduce overbite Extruding molars are prone to relapse Periodontal disease Attachment loss can cause pathologically tooth migration Anchorage management my be difficult because molar teeth with reduced attachment level less resistance to unwanted tooth movement Require permanent retention following treatment – prone to relapse
Missing/heavily restored teeth Tooth loss → drifting & tilting of adjacent teeth & overeruption of opposing teeth Atrophy of alveolar bone Bonding to restoration material is difficult Physiological factors affecting tooth movement Reduced blood supply and reduced cell turnover in adults Initial tooth movement is slower More painful Lighter initial forces are advisable Specific Problems in Adult Orthodontics
Adult motivation & attitude toward treatment Well motivated Increased cooperation More conscious about appearance – esthetic orthodontics More reluctant to wear extraoral appliances Specific Problems in Adult Orthodontics
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