Session Materials Wiki
Washington State Teacher and Principal Evaluation 2
Session Norms Be present Participate actively: Ask questions Share connections Listen Work together as a community Invite and welcome contributions of every member 3
Outcomes Consider how ideas from Rethinking Teacher Evaluation might influence your thinking about how to create a system that supports professional growth Examine and apply student growth rubrics for teacher evaluation Update Communication Plan
System Components Understand, align and communicate 6696,5895, ESEA Flexibility Waiver Teacher and Principal Criteria System Components eVal Management System Communication plan Review and select Instructional frameworks: 5 Dimensions (CEL) Danielson Marzano Leadership frameworks: AWSP Marzano Discuss and determine Measures and Evidence Observations Plans Artifacts Reflections Other Roles and responsibilities Systems and structures Fine tune and finalize Summative Model Measures and Evidence Student Growth Feedback Prepare to Pilot PD Plan Communication Tools and forms New Eval Participants
TPEP Core Principles 6 1. The critical importance of teacher and leadership quality 2. The professional nature of teaching and leading a school 3. The complex relationship between the system for teacher and principal evaluation and district systems and negotiations 4. The belief in professional learning as an underpinning of the new evaluation system 5. The understanding that the career continuum must be addressed in the new evaluation system 6. The system must determine the balance of “inputs or acts” and “outputs or results”
District Updates: Job Alike Groups Divide yourselves by Job Groups and Instructional Framework What are your professional development plans for your stakeholder group for the instructional framework you have selected 7
Joyce Report, 2011 Rethinking Teacher Evaluation Take 20 minutes of silent, independent reading time to briefly review the article Select one passage and one back up passage that resonated with you 8
Save the Last Word for Me! Work in groups of 3 Select a time keeper One person shares their passage and implications for their work (up to 2 minutes) The group takes 3 minutes total to respond to selected passage The original person has 1 minute for a final comment. Repeat until all participants have shared their passage, and the group has had an opportunity to respond. If time, how did the protocol work for you today? There will be a total of 20 minutes for this discussion.
Share Whip around the table Each person, shares one implications for your work with the larger group from your district Each district should be prepared to share one implication with the whole group
Student Growth Rubrics Review proficient column of criteria 8 student growth rubric Underline key words or phrases
Student Growth Rubric 8.1 Work in teams of 3-5 Go to Identify the systems, processes and structures that would need to be in place to support this work?
Sharing 13 Take a few moments to review the systems, structures and processes that other groups have identified. Are there any you might add to your list?
Option for Team Time: Self-Assessment In district teams. Consider the work you have just completed: What do you already have in place? What gaps do you notice? Implications?
Sample goal – Criteria 6 15 Take a few minutes to review the sample criteria 6 goal Record clarifying questions
Criteria 6.1- Establishing Student Growth Goals 16 With a partner, review the student growth rubrics for criteria Establishing Student Growth Goals. What differentiates the levels of performance for this student growth component?
Rating 17 Based on the rubric, how would you rate the criteria 6.1 goal? What is your rationale?
6.2 Achievement of Student Growth Goals 18 Locate component 6.2 on the student growth rubric What differentiates the levels of performance for component 6.2?
Sample Student Achievement Data Based on this data, what rating would you select for criteria 6.2 – Achievement of Student Growth Goals? What is your rationale?
Nested Goals 20 Locate the “Completed Example Student Growth Goals” document located on the wiki How are the goals for criteria 3, 6 and 8 alike and different in this sample?
Team Work You saw one example of a tool to support the development of a student growth goal. What might a tool for goal setting look like in your district?
Reflection Take a few minutes to reflect with a small group at your table. What did you learn as a result of this process? What questions did this process surface for you?
Team Planning Ideas Update Communication Plan: Who else needs this information? Criteria 8 Student Growth Goal gap analysis of systems, structures and processes Continue work on student growth supporting documents/tools Continue working to identify measures and evidence. Other topics relevant for your team