1984 Chapter Summaries Part 1
Chapter 1 Description of London as a bleak and desolate place Description of the telescreens Description of the lack of privacy Introduction to Winston Smith, O'Brien and Julia Description of Big Brother Description of Goldstein and the two minutes hate Description of the four Ministries Description of the Party and its values Introduced to Newspeak Description of Thought Police There are three super powers Winston has an alcove, drinks a lot and has a varicose vein in his heel. Winston starts a Diary Winston hates the anti-sex league girl Winston gets a feeling from O'Brien Winston hates Big Brother
Chapter 2 We meet Mrs Parsons The mansions were built in 1930 Tom Parsons is described We meet the Parsons' children We read about the spies He loves beauty because he doesn't want to smudge the ink Winston fixes his neighbour's sink Winston had a dream seven years ago. He will meet them in the place where there is no darkness. The voice in his dream is O'Brien's He knows he is dead. He has committed thoughtcrime He addresses his diary to the future He puts some white dust on the corner of his diary
Chapter 3 Julia is still the dark haired girl from the fiction department History is indeterminate He can barely remember a time without war Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the future controls the past INGSOC was english socialism Big Brother lead the revolution in the 30's Winston dreams of his mother and sister He dreams of the golden country He dreams of Julia
Chapter 4 Description of Winston's work Winston rewrites history Winston creates “Comrade Ogilvy”
Chapter 5 Description of the canteen We meet Syme Newspeak is described in more detail We meet a prole We meet Parsons Everyone wears the same thing Winston lies about having a razor blade Winston is indifferent to the hanging of prisoners Syme enjoys it Syme will be vaporised Winston doesn't like how Syme and Parsons, one using doublethink, believe the announcements
Chapter 6 Katharine his wife is described Your nervous system is your biggest enemy Love is something the party have tried to destroy The two minutes hate is the replacement of human's natural instincts Winston writes in his diary about going to a prostitute He hated Katharine and her “empty mind” He loves love and sex
Chapter 7 Winston believes hope lies in the proles The proles make up 85% of th population The proles are described almost as slaves but without rules History describes everything as terrible before the Party Winston appreciates beauty in poetry Winston relates the story of Jones, Rutherford and Aaronson Winston's diary is addressed to O'Brien Freedom is the freedom to say that = 4 O'Brien forces Winston later to stop believing the very facts he is thinking here Winston writes “until they become concious they will never rebel, and until they rebel they will never become concious” Winston quotes a history book Winston ten years ago threw away proof that the three had not committed their crimes Winston understands how but not why
Chapter 8 The proles living conditions are described The lottery is an act of faith by the proles Winston isn't brave He couldn't kill or commit suicide Winston goes for a walk Winston almost gets blown up but is saved by a prole Winston kicks a severed hand into the gutter Winston talks to an old man in a pub The old man is unable to help Winston Winston ends up at the antique shop where he bought his diary Winston buys a paperweight with coral in it because it is beautiful Winston learns part of a rhyme about churches Winston thinks he was followed all day by the girl
Part 2
Chapter 1 Julia and Winston meet Julia is more assertive Winston is in love with the idea of love Winston gets a note from Julia saying she loves him Julia and Winston meet at victory square They plan another rendezvous A convoy of prisoners pass through the square
Chapter 2 Great detail is described, everything is beautiful Winston and Julia meet in the “Golden Country” She knew his name and had obtained real chocolate They “consumate” their relationship
Chapter 3 Julia is only aware of what directly affects her life She is very sexual Julia and Winston meet again and again They talk about their respective pasts “in installments” Winston tells Julia how he almost murdered his wife. He had called his wife to see some thing beautiful
Chapter 4 Winston is afraid of rats Winston and Julia have sex in the room above Mr Charrington's shop He leaves the paperweight there A prole is singing outside. Julia puts on makeup Winston is in love with Julia and needs her all the time
Chapter 5 Syme is gone Hate week is starting up Syme is gone Julia is a rebel from the waist down Julia doesn't really care to rebel
Chapter 6 O'Brien compliments Winston He felt like talking to O'Brien meant his death Winston and O'Brien meet and talk They mention Syme, but not by name
Chapter 7 Winston was a terrible child Winston doesn't care to stay alive, he wants only to stay human Winston dreams about his mother Julia tells Winston she will do whatever he does
Chapter 8 Life for Inner Party members is much better Winston and julia go to O'Brien's flat They say they will do anything but betray each other They drink wine He is going to get “the book”
Chapter 9 Most of the chapter is spent reading “the book” The principles of INGSOC are explained Hate week has started he gets “the book” He is impressed by the party The focus of the rage changed Winston reads out loud Winston still only understands how and not why
Chapter 10 There little bubble of a world gets destroyed Winston and Julia get arrested Julia gets hit in the solar plexus The coral was very small when the glass broke around it Mr Charrington was a spy for the thought police
Part 3
Chapter 1 Interrogation begins with physical beating Winston and Ampleforth talk Winston and Parsons talk Winston gets beaten by O'Brien's lackeys
Chapter 2 Winston's torture continues and he confesses to anything He no longer gets beaten physically He will confess to anything Electrocution Winston doesn't believe that = 5 Winston believes that 4 is 5 He finds out Julia betrayed him
Chapter 3 O'Brien explains why the party have done what they have; power for the sake of more power One man exerts his power over another “by making him suffer Utopia doesn't exist Utopia means “no place” Winston is falling apart and rotting away He hasn't betrayed Julia
Chapter 4 Winston works at re-educating himself Winston Betrays himself when he cries out in his sleep He is going to be what they want, he will revolt in his last seconds of life
Chapter 5 Winston is tortured in room “one-oh- one” Winston betrays Julia when his face is forced into a rat cage “Everyman has his price”
Chapter 6 Winston “loves Big Brother” Winston spends his waking hours doing little to nothing He no longer has feelings for Julia He still loves his mother Julia is as “dead” Winston dreams about being shot in the back of the head