LHC Cryogenics Control: INTEGRATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS (UNICOS) AND FRONT-END SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (FESA) APPLICATIONS Enrique BLANCO Controls Group: Industrial Systems AB Department, CERN Geneva, Switzerland Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
Outline UNICOS + FESA INDUSTRIAL CONTROL 1.- Cryogenics Introduction 2.- Control system 3.- Frameworks (Automatic generator tools) 4.- Conclusions INDUSTRIAL CONTROL Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
1.- LHC Cryogenics Architecture Cryogenic point 3.3 km LHC cryogenics overview Cryogenic plant LHC tunnel (27 km) (Transfer line) Long Straight Section CRYO: Based in the use of Superfluid helium to cool down to 1.9 K Refrigeration power is distributed along 27 km 8 Large cryogenic plants: each one feeds a 3.3 km sector (LSS + ARC) Standard Cell: 100m # 32 # Keywords: RADIATION DISTRIBUTED Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
2.- Cryogenics Control System Instrumentation Large number of sensors and actuators. Tunnel instrumentation exposed to radiation (custom development to withstand the hostile environment) LHC cryogenics standard cell PI&D (~100 meters) Instruments Range Total TT (temperature) 1.6- 300K 9500 PT (pressure) 0-20 bar 2200 LT (level) Various 540 EH (heaters) 2500 CV (Control Valves) 0 - 100 % 3800 PV/QV (On Off Valves) -- 2000 - Large number Radiation environtment Industrial sensors but in-house radtol signal acquisition Intelligent positioners (split) RadTol Signal Conditioners Profibus PA 8 wires Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
2.- Cryogenics Control System Tunnel Architecture Local & Central Control Rooms SCADA Data Servers UNICOS PLCs Ethernet (TN) DP Profibus DP FESA FECs WorldFIP TT CV TT, PT, LT, EH, DI Ehsp, LTen shaft (~100 m) Protected areas PA PA PA PA Architecture: from botton to top FIELD LAYER: - Instrumentation (radiation areas): TT, PT, LT, DI, EH - Signal conditioning (radiation areas) - SPLIT intelligent positioners - WorldFip and Profibus PA – DP CONTROL LAYER: - FECs (Industrial PCs Linux SLC4 ; FESA application interfacing WorldFip data) - PLCs (S7-400 interfacing Profibus) - FEC & PLC exchange information SUPERVISION LAYER: - Dedicated Technical Ethernet - SCADA data servers (HP prolient machines, Linux SLC4) - Windows clients in control rooms: local and central control rooms EXAMPLE CLOSING A CONTROL LOOP: TT -> Wfip -> FEC -> PLC -> Profibus -> Valve. Alcoves Radiation areas LSS RadTol electronics Tunnel LSS ARC LHC Tunnel (3.3 Km) Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
2.- Cryogenics Control System Industrial Communications Sector 78 TUNNEL WorldFip Copper cable WorldFip Fiber Profibus DP Copper cable Tunnel Profibus Fiber Ethernet UTP Alcoves shaft (~100 m) - Fieldbuses: WorldFip & Profibus (PA & DP) - Ethernet as a control network (included in the close-control loops) Example: Sector 78 - Distributed Fiber optics Ethernet: Protected technical network SURFACE Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
3.- Frameworks FESA Cryogenics application processes Front-End Software Architecture* CERN accelerator real-time software model Deployed to Front-End computers (FECs) running Linux/LynxOS Cryogenics application processes WorldFip: Read/Write Worldfip agents Real-Time action Device: Calculates devices data (Minimize electronics cards calculations) Segment: Groups devices and communicates to the PLC Server: CMW Exchange data FESA Application Process Execution * Ref: “Frond-End Software Architecture”, M. Arruat, et all. (ICALEPCS 07) CERN Real-time object-oriented framework to design equipment software. Deployed to (Front-End machines) FECs running Linux (SLC4) / LynxOS FESA generates the framework (a generic solution tailored by the user) Users do: Design the devices (encoded as a XML schema) Implement their custom code & relationships CMW interface : subscription mechanism Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
UNified Industrial COntrol System 3.- Frameworks UNICOS UNified Industrial COntrol System P Logic Process Control Objects (Compressors, feedbox, …) I/O Channels Field Objects (Valves, Heaters, …) Instances C UNICOS Specifications PLC and SCADA Baseline Generates PLC and SCADA Devices Placeholders where the control engineer must write the process logic C Simplified HMI tool to create process synoptics (drag & drop) O Diagnostics tools CMW interface Long-Term archiving LHC alarm system - Industrial framework to provide Industrial Control Applications - Starting from the Specifications file (I/O channels + Field objects (Analog, Controller, Alarms, …) - Process Engineer Process decomposition + specific LOGIC - Current implementation targets: PLCs (Siemens + Schneider) + SCADA (PVSS II) - Based in the use of Generators O Operators P Process Engineer C Control Engineer Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
3.- Frameworks UNICOS Objects design breakdown Sector Cryogenics Process Control Objects 2 elementary cryogenics cells* i =1..8 j =1..18 Process Decomposition exercise (e.g.: Tunnel) : Control a basic tunnel equipment (bi-cell) Reduce the amount of logic to create by using a few templates which will be parameterized and generated automatically (e.g.: Controllers) UNICOS design: objects breakdown DECOMPOSITION RESULT - I/O: Input and Output channels AI, DI, AO, DO - Field objects: physical devices: Analog (Valves, Heaters), AnaDig, OnOff (Valves), Local, … Alarms - Process Control Objects: (PCO) allow equipment control (Compressor, Coldbox) but it could be a physical decomposition. Dependent logic hangs of every PCO. Decomposition allows a much lower number of objects and in view of the nature of the machine will be repeated many times. A few templates are requires which will be parameter-dependant and generated automatically. I/O objects + Controller (field objects) Objects Tunnel Analog Inputs 12136 Analog Outputs 4856 Digital Inputs 4536 Digital Outputs 1568 Close Loop Controllers 3680 Process Decomposition: Controllers example LHC Sector Arc Bi-cell 3680 500 250 20 Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
3.- Automatic generation Tools UNICOS & FESA integration Minimize hand code activities and focus on specific control logic Versioning mechanism to trace all the instances and allow different generation speeds Generation time of a complete LHC sector : ~ 1 day C Specifications Control Engineer LHC controls (Poster RPPA03) Database Generator Generators Devices PLC comms Devices Code FEC comms SCADA comms Devices Synoptics (Tunnel Panels) Generation Time < 1 day for a whole LHC Sector : Analog Inputs: ~1500 Analog Outputs: ~600 Digital Inputs: ~ 500 Digital Outputs: ~ 200 Analog (Valves, Heaters, ….): ~500 Close Loop Controllers: ~450 Optimize Time, ensures coherence and allows multiple generation Device Design Custom code - device calculations WorldFip comms. Deployment: C FESA Baseline Baseline Deployment: C UNICOS FECs FECs PLCs SCADA Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
3.- Frameworks UNICOS SCADA Structure Instrumentation CIET Instrumentation Engineers I Sector R Sector L O Cryogenics Operators Ethernet Cryogenics LHC cryogenic point CIET: Cryogenics Instrumentation Expert Tool 4.5 K Distributed architecture: central machine (panels & synoptics) LHC services: Logging, Alarms and CMW interface Based in the same framework (UNICOS) we provide 2 different applications giving Alternative views: Instrumentation and Operation O Operators Sector L 1.8 K Sector R I Instrumentation Engineer Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
4.- Conclusions Successful integration of UNICOS and FESA frameworks P C Successful integration of UNICOS and FESA frameworks Industrial approach CERN accelerator software model Generation tools Avoid synchronization tasks and concentrate on the specific control logic Rapid prototyping & optimal regeneration mechanisms Cryogenics control system fully commissioned (LHC Sector) [1/8 machine] Highly distributed and radiation environment Heterogeneous control equipments Scalability and openness (LHC services) Currently in production giving entire satisfaction to cryogenics and hardware commissioning operators Enrique Blanco AB/CO IS
World's largest superconducting installation cooled by helium ! - 271.25 C | - 456.25 F AB Controls Group (Industrial Systems Section) http://ab-dep-co-is.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-co-is/ UNICOS http://ab-project-unicos.web.cern.ch/ab-project-unicos/ FESA http://project-fesa.web.cern.ch/project-fesa/ Cryogenics Group @ CERN http://at-div-acr.web.cern.ch/at-div-acr/ LHC commissioning http://lhc.web.cern.ch/lhc/ Thanks to all people involved in the project: CERN: AB/CO, AT/ACR