Members of the same species (reproduce with one another) Live in the same place (Geographic location) Live at the same time (Past, Present, or Future)
Death Rate + Birth Rate = Growth Rate Populations usually stay about the same. Reproductive Potential ◦ Fastest rate an organism can grow ◦ Increase when organisms reproduce more often ◦ Small organisms (bacteria) usually reproduce quicker than larger organisms (humans)
Organisms Grow faster and faster over time! Conditions ◦ Plenty of Food, Space, and no competition or predators
Environment Changes Resources are Used Up Death Increases Births Decrease Carrying Capacity ◦ Maximum population that the ecosystem for a particular species can support.
Limiting Resources such as sunlight, nutrients, water. Carrying capacity is reached when the resource is consumed at the rate that it is made!
Organisms compete for resources such as: ◦ Territory – Living Space ◦ Mates ◦ Food ◦ Homes/Shelter
Density Dependent – cause of death is related to issues of overcrowding/space. Density Independent – Not related to number of organisms but other factors such as weather, natural disasters, etc.