Progress Report The Czech Republic
The Situation of Roma in 2011 Activities of the Agency for social inclusion in Roma localities were extended to 10 new Roma neighborhood (26 localities in total) Partial measures were adopted in the field of education to prevent discrimination against Roma Comparatively high degree of participation of Roma in the active labour market policies Implementation of successful ESF and ERDF projects
The Situation of Roma in 2011 Setbacks: Deterioration of relations between the Roma and the majority population (anti-Roma meetings, manifestations, riots) Growing number of people living in poverty, including Roma
Education Prohibition of education of socially disadvantage children according to educational programs for pupils with disabilities A new set of compensatory measures to offset the disadvantages and to support the education of socially disadvantaged pupils in mainstream education Regulation of activities of school counseling facilities Institution of informed parental consent about education of their children in the program for pupils with disabilities
Education Increased interest of schools for inclusive projects Increased number of socially disadvantaged pupils (usually mainly Roma) in preparatory classes (2 800 pupils in 228 classes; compare to the year 2010: 2 609/ 208) indicates better use of this instrument Increased number of scholarships for Roma secondary school students (1 703 students) ESF project Inclusive Education Support Centre – supporting inclusive environment in 130 primary schools
Education Setbacks: Recent research of the Ombudsman proved lasting indirect discriminatory practices against Roma children in education (32% of Roma children are still educated in special schools)
Employment 68% of all applicants involved in the projects of active labour market policy are Roma 17% of Roma job seekers succeeded in labour market 90 project were launched to support return of unemployed Roma into the labour market (funded by ESF and ERDF) Stricter controls and punishments of providers of illegal work are an effect of an amendment of the law on employment
Housing Principles of social housing were integrated into the Housing Strategy to 2020 – including draft law and a plan of funding 104 Entry-level flats were built up Socially excluded localities were revitalized in 18 municipalities (funded by ESF and ERDF)
Health 500 Roma from 4 regions of the Czech Republic are involved into the Health and Social Help program 300 persons working directly with inhabitants of socially excluded Roma localities were inoculated against hepatitis free of charge 95% of Roma have health insurance
Czech Republic – Decade Progress Report Ondřej Klípa