Migration Sociology Taiwanizing female immigrant spouses and materializing differential citizenship Wang, H.Z. & Belanger, D. Instructor: Prof HZ Wang.


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Presentation transcript:

Migration Sociology Taiwanizing female immigrant spouses and materializing differential citizenship Wang, H.Z. & Belanger, D. Instructor: Prof HZ Wang Student: Jeanette KY Yuen 26 th May 2010

問題意識 While there are increasing numbers of foreign brides in Taiwan in the past decades, how are these female migrant spouses Taiwanized or in other words, actively integrated into the Taiwan society by different agents namely the government, NGOs and the academics, resulting in differential citizenship? NGOs Female migrant spouses Taiwanizing process Taiwanese government academics Differential legal and social citizenship

結論 Despite the fact that the state and society pay much attention on integration of and well-being of women, men and children in immigrant families, the discourse about immigrant spouses does not match the objective and is actually reinforcing the idea that immigrant spouses are problematic for the quality, stability and well-being of Taiwanese society. A differential citizenship on the immigrant spouses through the construction of “other” is carried out by the government, NGOs and academics through different means Labeled as outsiders and aliens through policies, creating discourses and knowledge production, the immigrant spouses are located in specific social space and are described as disadvantaged, inferior and powerless.

Taiwanese government Through a similar assumption: female immigrants as “other” being problematic NGOs Academics Taiwanizing process policies and institutional process and power Female migrant spouses Creating discourse which claims that “disadvantaged” families need to be integrated Knowledge production and discourses through research projects Differential legal and social citizenship

推論邏輯 Past statistics To highlight the three main actors in the paper” government, NGOs and academia The dynamics among power, institution and citizenship in Taiwan Supported by some case studies overseas e.g. Mexican immigrant in the US, Spain GovernmentNGOsAcademics Characteristics of Immigration policy in Taiwan - Emphasis on quality (Population Policy Committee) -Economic independence for foreign spouse who want to naturalize -Emphasis on national security How different actors Taiwanized immigrant spouses Through a similar assumption: female immigrants as “other” being problematic Creating discourse which claims that “disadvantaged” families need to be integrated Through policies and institutional process and power to construct “otherness” Knowledge production and discourses from research project - stigmatizing the immigrants

AgentObjective / rationaleHowExample GovernmentProduce categories of immigrants based on historically situated social constructions of class, ethnicity, race and gender to guarantee population “quality” and national security Through policies and institutional process and power to construct “otherness” (deployed through Taiwan’s process of nation-building and searching for a national identity) - only way to legalize their stay is through their husband or children - assimilation policy continues to view female immigrant as good “traditional women” - Right to work - health care & birth control NGOsSubjected to resource scarcity, NGOs project the immigrant groups to be “disadvantaged”, “powerless”, “easy to abuse”, “not capable” in order to raise funds to continue functioning Creating discourse which claims that “disadvantaged” families need to be integrated The fund-raising co-held by the Eden Social Welfare Foundation and Business weekly (constructs children of immigrants spouses in a patriarchal and racist way) AcademicsTo research on the “disadvantaged” group and what kind of help they need Knowledge production and discourses from research project - stigmatizing the immigrants (social positioning) More than 70% of published articles on migration in Taiwan dealt with adaption, support system, children’s education

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文章的哪些部分是多餘的贅肉,根 本與主題 / 問題意識無關? Different groups in society try to take advantage and profit from the immigrants p. 101

假如從另外一個不同的角度來看相 同的問題,你可能會從何下手? Investigating how female immigrants are Taiwanized through case study and in-depth interviews (including observation and participation) The application of Foucauldian theory (power-knowledge) to demonstrate how the “knowledge” about the negative image of female immigrants is constructed through power and discourse which is defined as “systems of thoughts composed of ideas, attitudes, courses of action, beliefs and practices that systematically construct the subjects and the worlds of which they speak."