CINEFOGO - Roskilde University, Denmark. November 2004 CINEFOGO – NoE Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe The aim of CINEFOGO is to provide knowledge about the relationship between civil society and citizenship in an increasingly diversified and multi-cultural Europe. This will be done through three perspectives 1. The relationship between cultural identity and civicness 2. The civil society tradition in evolution of European democracy 3. The relationship between citizenship, welfare and gender
CINEFOGO - Roskilde University, Denmark. November 2004 CINEFOGO – NoE countries, partners and composition Partners-National coordinators: Roskilde University, DK Institute for Adv. Studies, AUS University of Plovdiv, BG Charles University, CZ Turku School of Eco, FIN Justus-Liebig University, D University of Trento, I Vytautas Magnus Uni. Li. SCB/Tillburg University NL Institute for Soc. Res. Oslo, N University of Ljubljana, SL Analistas Socio-Politicos/ Complutense ESP Stockholm School of Eco. SWE London School of Eco. UK Harvard University, US
CINEFOGO - Roskilde University, Denmark. November 2004 CINEFOGO – NoE countries, partners and composition The CINEFOGO Network includes: 15 countries 15 countries 46 institutions 46 institutions 81 senior researchers and 25 doc students 81 senior researchers and 25 doc students 48 women and 57 men 48 women and 57 men 22 work packages 22 work packages SoE – Digital Highway / European Broadcasting Corporation through DBC / Book Series SoE – Digital Highway / European Broadcasting Corporation through DBC / Book Series
CINEFOGO - Roskilde University, Denmark. November 2004 CINEFOGO – NoE Programme of Integration Research Activities (PIRA) The scientific programme of CINEFOGO is organised around three themes: 1. Identities, Values and Civil Cultures in Europe 2. Citizenship and Civic participation in relation to Social Protection 3. Multi-level Governance and Organised Civil Society
CINEFOGO - Roskilde University, Denmark. November 2004 CINEFOGO – NoE Programme for Spread of Excellence - SoE 1. Dialogue with stakeholders: scientists, journalists and interest groups 2. Dissemination to the general public. Examples of SoE: Digital Highway to be used by the Network and the scientific community E-learning courses on ’Teaching Active Citizenship’ PhD courses on ’Civil society, citizenship and democracy’ Book Series published by Edw. Elgar Publishing House on ’Civil society and European Citizenship’ TV and Radio programmes on ’Active Citizenship and European Democracy / Identity’
CINEFOGO - Roskilde University, Denmark. November 2004 CINEFOGO – NoE Organisation of the Network