1. A Bachelor degree with B.ED, shall be the requirement for teaching at the elementary level. A Master level for the secondary and higher secondary with B.ED., shall be ensured by PTC & CT shall be phased out through encouraging the present set of teachers to improve their qualifications, while new hiring shall be base on the advance criteria. 2. Teacher training arrangements, accreditation and certification procedures shall be standardized and institutionalized.
3. Teacher’s education curriculum shall be adjusted to the needs of the school curriculum and scheme of studies. The curriculum shall include training for student-centered teaching, cross-curriculum competencies and an on-site components. 4. A separate cadre of specialized teacher trainers shall be developed.
5. Governments shall take steps to ensure that teacher recruitment, professional development, promotions and postings are based on merit alone. 6. All teachers shall have opportunities for professional development through programs, organized on a three year cyclic basis. Progress in career shall be linked to a such professional development. 7. Recruitment of teachers and running of teacher training programs shall be done at the District level, so as to reduce the problem of teachers’ absenteeism and the negligence of school in remote areas.
8. Teachers allocation plans, likewise, shall be based on schools needs and qualifications of teachers. Over the course of next two years. Government should develop a rationalized and need base school allocation of teachers, which should be reviewed and modified annually 9. To control absenteeism and multiple job holding, provincial and area administrations shall developed EMIS data on teacher deployment. 10. Institutional and standardized in-service teacher training regime shall be established in those provinces where if has not already been done.
11. In-service training, shall cover a wide range of areas; pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge; subject content knowledge; testing and assessment practices; multi-grade teaching, monitoring, evaluation and programs to cater to emerging needs like training in languages and ICT. 12. Training needs shall bee assessed on the basis of research and training programs. 13. Government shall take steps to improve social status and morale of teachers. These includes; Upgrading of teacher salaries as part if establishing a separate teaching cadre and teaching career, Teachers’ professional development and a reward system based on performance measures
14. The teaching workforce shall be manage on a truly professional basis, organized as a specialized function. 15. The voice of teachers associations shall be given due to consideration in decisions on collective issues affecting teachers. 16. Government shall aim to draw upon resources from the private sector through public-private partnerships, especially in the areas of teacher education and professional development programs.