Renovation through quality supply chains and energy performance certification standards REQUEST EU programme supported by Intelligent Energy Europe IEE/09/870/SI Project duration: 16th April 2010 – 15th November 2012
2 Project summary Goal: Enhance the uptake of EPC recommendations and of low carbon renovation measures in residential properties across Europe for all ownership tenures Focus: easy access for property owners to qualitative EPC recommendations and a reliable quality installer or range of professionals Objective: provide national and regional EU agencies with a set of tools and techniques to offer to dwelling owners and building professionals involved in residential property renovations A
Background to REQUEST EPCs: provide information and recommendations about what could be done in a home Key barrier to action: qualitative EPC recommendations and access to a reliable quality installer or range of professionals REQUEST strives to address this by: Enabling different trades and professions to work together to deliver low carbon renovations Motivating homeowners or landlords to invest in property renovations whether in response to EPC recommendations or through other means REQUEST has a unique focus on the link between the supply and demand side of low carbon renovations B
Key Objectives 1.Establish an inventory of tools, techniques and schemes for promoting access to an integrated supply chain for low carbon renovation 2.Develop tools & strategies for stimulating & promoting action on EPC recommendations 3.Development of a new, replicable, mechanism for quality assurance in the delivery of low carbon renovation 4.Test and measure the impact of the theoretical framework by means of national pilot projects C
5 Interim results 95 tools, techniques and schemes for promoting quality renovation and action on EPC recommendations identified in 27 countries Best practices identified for communication of EPC recommendations and quality schemes in the renovation supply chain Presentation and examples of modular schemes (potential actions and strategies) to promote the uptake of EPC recommendations. Process diagram outlining the steps required for a quality assured renovation process D
6 Expected results Two scenarios for promoting the uptake of EPC recommendations by building owners Two sets of targeted information - one for building owners, one for building professionals Actively engaged energy agencies in at least 15 EU Member States 20 workshops delivered attended by 400 building professionals (craftsmen) 100 craftsmen using the quality standards 11 national pilots completed, results analysed to inform theoretical framework Quantification of the direct energy and carbon saved from the pilots D
Partners and contact 7 *
8 REQUEST project partners –Energy Saving Trust, EST, UK –Portuguese Energy Agency, ADENE, Portugal –Austrian Energy Agency, AEA, Austria –German Energy Agency, dena, Germany –Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, ENEA, Italy –Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, KAPE, Poland –Aalborg University, AAU/SBi, Denmark –Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, SIEA, Slovakia –Flemish Institute of Technological Research, VITO, Belgium –Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, CRES, Greece –Energy Efficiency Agency, EEA, Bulgaria * 8
Coordinator 9 * Energy Saving Trust Harriet Henniker-Major Development Manager, EU Programmes
REQUEST website 10 *