IYB560E EXECUTIVE AND GROUP DECISION MAKING Y. İlker TOPCU, Ph.D twitter.com/yitopcu Özgür KABAK, Ph.D. web.itu.edu.tr/kabak/
3 Credits: 3+0 ECTS Credits: 7 Type: Compulsory Language: English Web site: web.itu.edu.tr/topcuil/ya/IYB560Eweb.itu.edu.tr/topcuil/ya/IYB560E Course information
4 Decision analysis Decision tables / payoff matrices Decision trees Group decision making Voting Social choice functions Multiple Criteria Decision Making Constructing the decision model Analyzing the problem Elementary methods SAW, WP, TOPSIS Analytic Hierarchy Process Analytic Network Process Course description
5 1.to provide students practical techniques and decision support tools those help them to solve decision problems 2.to enable students to integrate judgments with other types of information in a logical and defensible manner 3.to improve students’ decision making skills, their ability to analyze problems systematically, and their confidence in their own decision making Course objectives
6 Students who pass the course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects: 1.identifying common errors and traps that prevent them from making effective decisions, 2.learning how decision making process takes place, 3.using a range of decision making techniques to improve the effectiveness of their decision making 4.finding (choosing, ranking, or classifying) the comprimise alternative for making a decision Course learning outcomes
7 Web site of the course Up-to-date lecture notes and supplements Solutions to exams and homework Books Taylor B.W Introduction to Management Science, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey. Render B., Stair Jr R.M., and Hanna M.E Quantitative Analysis for Management. Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey. Goodwin P., Wright G Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Saaty T.L Decision Making for Leaders. RWS Publ., Pittsburg. Saaty T.L Theory and Applications of the Analytic Network Process. RWS Publ., Pittsburg. Web sites of other courses References
8 Final exam (40%), 2 Midterm exams (60%) All exams will be “open book” or "take home" Assessment Criteria
9 Exams Midterm exam 1 January 26, Take home Midterm exam 2 February 23, Take home Final exam March 23, In class, Open book, 7:30 p.m.
10 Do not! Studying together to understand the material is fine, but the work you hand in is to be your own. No cheating will be tolerated: A letter grade of F will be given! Cheating and Plagiarism
11 Schedule
12 Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Kabak Office address Management Faculty A311, Maçka, Istanbul Phone (212) /2039 office /2073 secretary Web site web.itu.edu.tr/kabak/ address
13 Asst. Prof. at Industrial Engineering department of ITU (2011) Post-doc studies at Belgium Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN) ( ) A fuzzy multi attribute decision making approach for nuclear safeguards information management Ph.D. in ITU Industrial Engineering programme (2008) Modeling supply chain network using possibilistic linear programming and an application Research interests Operations Research (Mathematical programming) Supply chain management Fuzzy decision making
14 Prof. Dr. Y. İlker Topcu Office address Management Faculty C301, Maçka, Istanbul Phone (212) /2069 office - (532) mobile Web site twitter.com/yitopcu address
15 Professor at Industrial Engineering department of ITU (2011) Associate Professorship in Operations Research (2005) Ph.D. in ITU Engineering Management programme (2000) Integrated decision aid model for multi-attribute problem solving Ph.D. research at Centre for Decision Research of Leeds University Business School ( ) Research interests Decision Analysis, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Group Decision Making Operations Research / Management Science Logistics Management, Ethics in OR, Business Ethics, Transp’n, Energy, Bidding and Tender Systems, Scheduling