Positive Staff Relations Anne McElduff -Assistant General Secretary B.Ed., LL.B., B.L. David O’ Sullivan-Senior Official B.Ed., M.A., Post Grad. Diploma in Educational Leadership
Comments by Chief Inspector Leading school development Leading learning and teaching Building culture, capacity and teams Professional growth and development Organisational management
Agreed Procedures These are outlined in the Working Together document Staff Relations Bullying and Harassment Grievance
Statutory Instruments & Codes of Conduct Health and Safety at Work Act (2005 & 2010) Employment Equality Acts ( ) Equal Status Act ( ) Unfair Dismissals Act ( ) Personal Injury HSA-Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work
Health and Safety at Work Act (2005 & 2010) Employer’s Duties Section 8 of the Act -the employer has a duty to ensure the employees’ safety, health and welfare at work as far as is reasonably practicable. Employee’s Duties Section 13- employees must take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and others; not to engage in improper behaviour or conduct; not to be under the influence of drink or drugs in the workplace; report any defects in equipment etc.
Bullying and Harassment Cases Lessons Una Ruffley vs St. Anne’s NS, Curragh Bridget Sweeney vs Ballinteer Community School (personal injury) Kelly vs Bon Secours Health Systems Ltd.
Employment Equality Gender Civil Status Family Status Age Race Religion Disability Sexual Orientation Membership of Traveller Community
Personal Injury duty of care to provide a safe place of work; employee/teacher incurs an injury -physical or psychological, or both –may bring a personal injury claim against the employer/Board of Management or potentially another party; claims lodged with the Injuries Board which is a statutory body separate to the courts; The Injuries Board will appoint an assessor, contact the parties involved and establish whether or not the claim can be resolved by way of assessment with the agreement of the employer.
Financial loss Letter of Resignation The utilisation of agreed procedures Publicity Burden of Proof Time Limit Constructive Dismissal
INTO Services to Principals INTO Information including members area- update details Intouch eNewsletters (subscribe) Publications Twitter & Apps INTO Information, Advice and Support INTO Query line (Conditions of Employment 14,204 queries 2014) (4,200 queries 2014)
INTO Services to Principals INTO Advice and Representation Accessed through INTO Head Office/ CEC Representative – Telephone or face to face advice and support in dealing with problems / issues arising in school – ,149 queries/ 160 cases – 40% of queries and cases from PT/DP – Complaints, staff relations, child protection, appointments etc – Representation and legal advice available
INTO Services for Principals INTO Training and Professional Development – Online and face to face professional development – Seminars for Principals INTO Structures – Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Committee – Principals’ Fora (1-5 per District) – Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Consultative Conference (September 2015) – Leadership issues on the agenda at every CEC meeting/ Congress resolutions/ SubSearch-