People and vocab. $100 $300 $200 $$400 $ $500 $ $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 Organelle jobs Organelle pictures Cell Questions Wild card
Question: What was Hooke looking at when he saw the first cell? Check Your Answer People for $100
Answer: A piece of cork tree Back to the Game Board People for $100
Question: Who said all cells come from cells? Check Your Answer People for $200
Answer:Virchow Back to the Game Board People for $200
Question: Who was the first person to see bacteria, yeast and blood cells? Check Your Answer People for $300
Answer: Leeuwenhoek Back to the Game Board People for $300
Question: Different ___ work together in an organ. Check Your Answer Vocab for $200
Answer: tissues Back to the Game Board Vocab for $200
Question: All the same organisms in a particular area is called ___ Check Your Answer Vocab. for $300
Answer: Population Back to the Game Board Vocab. for $300
Question: What keeps the cytoplasm inside and allow nutrients in and waste out? Check Your Answer Organelle jobs for $100
Answer: cell membrane Back to the Game Board Organelle jobs for $100
Question: What stores material that will later be used to make ribosomes. Check Your Answer Organelle jobs for $200
Answer: Nucleolus Back to the Game Board Organelle jobs for $200
Question:Where are food molecules broken down to release energy at? Check Your Answer Organelle jobs for $300
Answer: Mitochondria Back to the Game Board Organelle jobs for $300
Question: What processes, packages, and transports materials out of the cell? Check Your Answer Organelle jobs for $400
Answer: Golgi complex Back to the Game Board Organelle jobs for $400
Question: What contains enzymes that can break down particles? Check Your Answer Organelle jobs for $500
Answer: lysosomes Back to the Game Board Organelle jobs for $500
Question: Check Your Answer Organelle pictures for $100
Answer: nucleus Back to the Game Board Organelle pictures for $100
Question: Check Your Answer Organelle pictures for $200
Answer: Rough ER Back to the Game Board Organelle pictures for $200
Question: Check Your Answer Organelle pictures for $300
Answer: Vacuole Back to the Game Board Organelle pictures for $300
Question: Check Your Answer Organelle pictures for $400
Answer: mitochondria Back to the Game Board Organelle pictures for $400
Question: Check Your Answer Organelle pictures for $500
Answer: golgi complex Back to the Game Board Organelle pictures for $500
Question: Which organelle makes lipids? Check Your Answer cell questions for $100
Answer: Smooth ER Back to the Game Board cell questions for $100
Question: Prokaryotic cells do not have ____________ Check Your Answer cell questions for $200 Double
Answer: a nucleus Back to the Game Board cell questions for $200
Question: The smallest and most abundant organelle is the ________ Check Your Answer cell questions for $300
Answer: ribosome Back to the Game Board cell questions for $300
Question: What three things do plants cells have that animal cells do not have? Check Your Answer cell questions for $400
Answer: Cell wall, chloroplast, and large vacuole Back to the Game Board cell questions for $400
Question: Check Your Answer cell questions for $500 What kind of cell is this?
Answer: Animal cell Back to the Game Board cell questions for $500
Question: Check Your Answer Wild card for $100 What kind of cell is this?
Answer: Plant cell Back to the Game Board Wild card for $100
Question: Check Your Answer Wild card for $200 What kind of cell is this?
Answer: Prokaryotic or bacteria Back to the Game Board Wild card for $200
Question: What is the largest and most visible organelle in a eukaryotic cell? Check Your Answer Wild card for $300 Double
Answer: nucleus Back to the Game Board Wild card for $300
Question: What is the site of chemical reaction? Check Your Answer Wild card for $400
Answer: cytoplam Back to the Game Board Wild card for $400
Question: ______ are made up of various tissues that work together to perform a specific job. Check Your Answer Wild card for $500
Answer: Organs Back to the Game Board Wild card for $500