Cheryl Johnson, MS, RD, LD Director, Child Nutrition & Wellness, Kansas State Department of Education
October 15, 2010 – Leadership Forum Envisioning a Blueprint for Healthier School Meals Keynote by Gina O’Brian, MPRO Regional Nutritionist Motivating testimonials by 5 Kansas Food Service Directors who had received HUSSC awards Announced opportunity to attend a HUSSC Training Workshop by NFSMI if they agreed to apply for the HUSSC 29 SFA’s applied to attend
December 2010 – HUSSC Workshop Participants attending agreed to apply for the HUSSC. 29 SFAs were represented at workshop. Technical Assistance Needs Survey distributed at the conclusion of the workshop.
HealthierUS School Challenge Survey Name: _________________________Telephone:_____________________ _______________________ District:_________________________ City of your workplace:________________ What would you like assistance with? Menu planning Application process General questions about meeting the criteria Other:___________________________________________________________ What kind of assistance from KSDE would you like? On-site Telephone Other:___________________________________________________________ When would you like assistance? As soon as possible Any time between January and March of 2011 Summer of 2011 Fall of 2011
SFAs were assigned to one of two Child Nutrition Consultants based on consultant location and future travel plans. Technical assistance and follow up was prioritized according to timeline assistance desired by SFA. Nine (9) on-site assistance visits were conducted. Nine (9) office assistance visits were conducted via conference call.
Child Nutrition Consultants identified SFAs in their area and made contact via / telephone &/or face to face.
# of Applications from 12/2/ /14/11 14 SFAs 40 schools # Schools awarded as of 10/14/11 38 award winning schools 41 total awards Fowler Elementary has received all four levels **2 school applications are still pending USDA approval.
Information in Monthly Update from the Director of Child Nutrition & Wellness including congratulating new award winners Leadership Forum All Kansas HUSSC Award Winners were recognized. Food Service Directors shared information about how to apply and benefits of taking the challenge. Presentation to Council of Superintendents Booth at SNA-KS Fall Workshop HUSSC information provided at 30 Leadership Connections meetings this fall and at 30 Administrative Workshops Eat Smart Video News edition -
Developed a 6-hour interactive HUSSC training workshop during Summer Schools bring their menu cycle and Child Nutrition Consultants and Registered Dietitians work with schools one-on-one to determine changes needed to meet HUSSC criteria. Highlight Team Nutrition & Fuel Up to Play 60 Resources. Discuss Competitive Foods and Healthy School Practices & Policies. Review the application process and required documentation. HUSSC Award Winners in attendance to encourage and answer questions.
Face to face = better results Timely and frequent follow-up after initial assistance/training increases likelihood SFAs will apply Child Nutrition Consultants are located in the field and have contact with SFAs several times a year Encourage use of the Healthier Kansas Menu Cycle Spreadsheet developed to track progress
Embroidered Aprons for school nutrition professionals at the award winning school(s) Hand Painted Platter Gold Apple Trophy
Team Nutrition Non-Competitive Grant Implementation Currently establishing a cadre of 5 Registered Dietitians, located across the state, to provide one-on-one technical assistance to schools applying for the HUSSC. Dedicate a staff Registered Dietitian.25 FTE to review HUSSC applications, follow-up with schools for clarification, and submit applications to MPRO. Five (5) interactive workshops for potential HUSSC applicants. September 29, Salina, Kansas September 30, Topeka, Kansas December 1, Gardner, Kansas Two (2) interactive workshops to be scheduled for Spring/Summer 2012