Hari Balakrishnan 24 February 2005 MIT CSAIL UC Berkeley / ICSI IRIS Project Peering Peer-to-Peer Providers Scott Shenker Michael Walfish
Academic P2P: An Abridged History Early days: B.Y.O.I. (Bring Your Own Infrastructure) Recently: proposals to use P2P technology (DHTs resolve flat names) for core network services Examples: CoDoNs, HIP, P6P, DOA DNS client CoDoNS node DNS client DHT
Academic P2P: An Abridged History, Cont. The DHT still has to run somewhere But core network services cannot (or should not) depend on teenagers with cable modems … Solution? CoDoNS node DHT
A New School of DHT Research Open DHT [IPTPS04]: DHT nodes should be managed Run DHT as shared service Running one is complex Reuse minimal put-get iface From B.Y.O.I. to Frat Party Open DHT is a communal keg Sean Rhea
So What’s the Problem? Sean has made Open DHT a stable, available, high- performance infrastructure … … but can’t afford to run it by himself, forever Shared infrastructure should be supported by a market, not by a benevolent donor
Shared, Commercial DHT Service? Must present users with a uniform “DHT dialtone” … … in a competitive market for DHT service Can multiple, competing providers coordinate? Analogy: competing ISPs peer to give IP “dialtone” Imagine: DSPs (DHT Service Providers) do likewise For now, assume market demand exists Investigate: federated P 4 Infrastructure (Peering Peer- to-Peer Providers) of DSPs
Requirements for a Global DHT Dialtone Customer pays its DSP for this service: Puts of accessible to all other P 4 customers Gets on keys will be fulfilled, no matter which provider serviced the put of Best effort service model put(k,v) get (k) v Customer P 4 Infrastructure DSP
Outline I.P 4 Design Spectrum II.Challenges III.Conclusion
Scenario Each DSP owns hosts, stores subset of { } Customer/provider interface: P 4 Proxy (like DNS) Assume for now DSPs all talk to each other We now discuss possible relationships … Company Home User v 1 = get(k 1 ) DSP put(k 1,v 1 ) P 4 Proxy
Possible DSP Relationships (First Two) All one DHT Existing DHT mechanisms work No incentive for DSP to contribute resources Administrative separation (separate DHTs) DSP coded into key right incentives DSPs store only for customers Switching DSPs means switching keys DSP IDRest of the key
Possible DSP Relationships (Third) Now assume: Every DSP runs own lookup infrastructure Keys don’t encode DSP Therefore: DSPs must exchange customers’ pairs We believe this 3 rd relationship is the tenable one But how will it work? (For now, assume small set of top-level DSPs)
put (k, v) 2.Put-broadcasting of ; local gets 3.Put-broadcasting of keys only; forwarded gets put (k, v) put (k, v) get (k) 1.Get-broadcasting; local puts (can cache ) get (k) Different Exchange Regimes provider’s id
More on the Regimes They split put and get bandwidth differently Can and should coexist; putter chooses regime Different pricing schemes?
Outline I.P 4 Design Spectrum II.Challenges III.Conclusion
DSPs’ Incentives Incentive to be honest? Commercial relationships; market discipline No different from DNS or IP service today Incentive to peer? Settlements (i.e., payments between two peers): Needed if two DSPs gain unequally from peering Preclude caching and put-broadcast Introduce complexity Paper argues DSPs gain equally from peering w/out settlements?
Coherence and Correctness 1. inserted by a customer must be visible to customers of other providers Discussed earlier 2.Customers must not be able to own the same key or overwrite each other’s pairs Inherit from existing DHTs, especially Open DHT k=hash(v), k=(salt, pubkey), e.g. Cryptography unaffected by # of providers
Market Structure and Scale Forest structure (ISP analogy again) Top-level DSPs do put- and get-broadcasting Children of top-level DSPs either: Redirect customer put/get requests to top-level Maintain a local lookup service Top-level DSPs Child DSPs
Outline I.P 4 Design Spectrum II.Challenges III.Conclusion
Conclusion P2P: technical revolution, yes. Economic novelty? A social theory of DHTs (compare with Marx): Anarchism (B.Y.O.I.) Communism (benevolent entity) Capitalism (P 4 a form of privatization) Our goals: DHT dialtone for customers, proper incentives for providers Peering arrangements necessary but not sufficient Market requires demand, too
Appendix Slides
DSPs Gain Roughly Equally From Peering Assume DSP’s benefit proportional to: Its customers’ benefit from reads in other DSPs Its customers’ benefit from having their data read Case I: avg. benefit to a customer from a “get” is equal to avg. benefit from having its “put” read Case II: avg. benefits not equal. Under certain assumptions, # of “gets” in each direction equal. # from A to B (smaller fraction of larger #) # from B to A (larger fraction of smaller #) # “gets” from DSP B # “gets” from DSP A
Latency Puts: customer talks to P 4 Proxy. Low latency. For gets, separate by exchange regime: Get-broadcast: Latency can be high But opportunistic caching can mitigate Put-broadcast of key; forwarded get: (same.) Put-broadcast of ; local get: All DSPs have copies of ; low latency Adaptive algorithm to decide which propagation regime is optimal for a key?
Can’t Google Do This? Sure. Will they charge for the service? If not, great! If so … This talk: whether P 4 infrastructure could emerge Not whether P 4 infrastructure will emerge (We assumed market demand exists.)