National Grid UK Distribution Update Gas Customer Forum 29 th January 2007 Kerri Matthews
Content Transportation Charging Changes to DN Transportation Charges October 2007 Price Changes General Updates Changes to Siteworks Terms & Conditions Developing Competition in Connections Services National Grid Code of Practice I&C Round Table
Transportation Charging
DN Transportation Charges Changes following Ofgem’s review of DN Charges Rebalancing of Capacity / Commodity split Change to the Domestic Customer Charge Updating of the Economic Test Update of data used to determine structure of Charges DN Interruption Reform Removal of Interruptible status Tender process for DN interruption
Rebalancing of Capacity / Commodity split Forthcoming Pricing Consultation Move to new capacity / commodity system charge split and adjustment to interruptible discount from April 2008 Move to high capacity element Better reflects costs Bring charging structure more into line with expected Price Control structure, to give better price stability Adjust interruptible discounts to keep them at the same level as at present May allow move to April rather than October price changes Initial Discussion Paper expected February
Change to the Domestic Customer Charge Move from commodity to capacity charging basis Better reflects costs which don’t vary with throughput: Service pipe costs Emergency service costs Reduces sensitivity of collected income to throughput from 63% to 35% Helps provide price stability But Price Control income fixed for 2007/8 April 2007 implementation Allows capacity charge to be set at annual level Change is revenue neutral for DNs Billed by adjusting LDZ System Capacity Charge rate in short-term New rates will be published by 1 February 2007
Updating of the Economic Test New DN-specific Economic Test for new connections to be introduced shortly Test is used to meet Gas Act obligation to connect loads where it is economic to do so Operates in same manner as existing test Excludes NTS costs and income Reflects DN-specific costs and transportation income Explanatory note issued on application of Economic Test if Interruption Reform goes ahead
Data used to determine Charging Structure Forthcoming Pricing Consultation The data and calculations to determine current charging structure is on a national basis for all DNs Ofgem have requested DNs to update this analysis to reflect the individual nature of each DN Changes to be implemented in October 2008
DN Interruption Reform Forthcoming Pricing Consultation End of Interruptible Discounts from 2010 subject to Mod 90 How costs of purchasing NTS offtake capacity will be reflected in Distribution Charges from 2010 subject to Exit Reform Both expected in next month or two Note that Pension Cost payments to NTS will be reflected through existing DN charging structure
October 2007 Price Changes Several factors driving price changes Increased allowed revenue (11%) to cover increased costs Material under-recovery in 2006/7 (weather effect) Reductions in SOQ’s in October 2006 October price effect (1.5 x) Impact of previous price changes Allowed revenue for 2007 still uncertain: DNMRA still being determined Under recovery from 2006/7 Indicatives to be provided asap, updated on ongoing basis
General Updates
Changes to Siteworks Terms & Conditions Background Changes are necessary to ensure recovery of connections costs from customers and alignment with the Ofgem’s views that DNs should take “…additional steps to manage under-recoveries in connection costs from customers due to time lags and conservative charging…” In providing fixed quotations for connections, National Grid Gas is exposed to any changes to its cost base between issuing the quotation and final completion This period is currently 1 calendar year - the combined effect of the changes reduce this risk period down to 6 months Following the changes to charging methodology in July 2006, where charges now reflect the costs we reasonably expect to incur, we believe that 6 months is a reasonable and manageable time frame on which to base our quotations Section G7.2.4 of the Uniform Network Code requires National Grid to give Users 3 months notice of any change to contract terms Formal notice was issued 29 th December 2006.
Changes to Siteworks Terms & Conditions Changes effective from 1 April 07 Changes will be effective for all new requests received on or after 1 April key changes are detailed below: Quotation validity period Reduced from 90 to 45 days, and Termination Quotation to substantial completion (gas on) - reduced from 270 days to 120 days and Quotation to final completion - reduced from 1 calendar year to 6 months Customers will be able to extend works beyond these timescales on payment of a variation to cover any increases in costs where they arise Stage Works Notice Period An alignment of the notice period (from the customer) for non main laying works with the notice period for main laying works – customer to notification increase from 15 to at least 30 working days Guidance Notes Currently significant duplication between the Guidance Notes (introduced in 2004) and Siteworks Terms – guidance notes therefore to be withdrawn
Changes to Siteworks Terms & Conditions Changes effective from 1 April 08 National Grid also intends to carry out a complete review of the Siteworks Terms during this will involve: Bringing the terms into line with the Engineering and Construction Short Contract Moving all customers onto pre-payment terms National Grid will provide detail of these changes once proposals have been developed further
Developing Competition in Connections Services Background National Grid is committed to the ongoing support for a competitive connections market
Developing Competition in Connections Services National Grid Consultation Consultation launched proposing specific changes to improve and simplify business processes Published 12 th January 2007 Closing Date 1 st March 2007 Initiatives remain consistent with established National Grid principles, namely Every Customer should have a choice of Connection Service Provider There must be equality of treatment between Connections Service Providers Customers should pay market price for connection services received* * except where a gas transporter has a legal or licence obligation to fund part of the cost (which may be recovered from transportation customers)
National Grid Code of Practice for Gas Customers National Grid has a Licence obligation to make available to the general public its Code of Practice The Code informs customers: When and how we might contact them How they can get in touch with us to enquire or complain about any service we provide The steps we take to ensure that only properly trained staff or contractors make visits to their home The special services available to those customers who are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hearing impaired
National Grid Code of Practice Raising Awareness Availability from February: Hard Copies: 9 language versions, Braille, Audio, Large Print Website: as above and an easy to read version External Organisations to be contacted Shippers/suppliers Care agencies Libraries All employees and contractors in the UK gas business will be briefed from February
National Grid I&C Round Table Next “I&C Round Table” date confirmed! Date: Tuesday 20 th March Time: 11.00am – 1.00pm Venue: National Grid House, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6DA Agenda items would be welcomed as early as possible to assist in collating information and arranging speakers