May 2015 Preliminary Budget Board of Education Meeting Raytown C-2 School District
Goals of the Budget Board Goals (BG) ● District Operating Revenues, Expenditures, and Balances that Support Student Achievement (BGs 1, 7, and 8) ● Competitive Salaries and Benefits (BGs 3, 4, and 5) ● Staff Benefits - Insurance, Clinic, Fitness Center (BG 5) ● Safe and Updated Facilities (BG 6) ● Provide High Quality Staff Development (BGs 1, 2, 7 and 8) ● Future Fiscal Stability
FY15 Projected Revenues Account CodeWorking BudgetYTD Activity Anticipated Additional Revenues% Realized YTD % of Overall Revenues Local$51,083,871.00$48,509,645.60$2,574, %49.64% County$1,314,000.00$1,733, $419, %1.28% State$40,484,582.00$33,275,961.27$7,208, %39.34% Federal$8,614,237.00$6,095,662.46$2,518, %8.37% Other Revenue$1,417,739.00$2,082, $664, %1.38% Total$102,914,429.00$91,697,171.55$11,217, %
FY15 Projected Expenditure Account CodeWorking BudgetYTD Activity Projected Balance% Realized % of Operating Revenues Salaries$60,797,349.00$42,252,675.94$18,544, %60.30% Benefits$17,940,382.00$10,717,369.94$7,223, %17.79% Purchased Services$9,012,235.00$6,248,305.12$2,763, %8.94% Supplies$13,082,952.00$8,363,576.02$4,719, %12.97% Total Operating$100,832,918.00$67,581,927.02$33,250, % Debt Service$8,533,191.00$9,380, $847, % Equipment Facilities$2,696,226.00$1,686,236.66$1,009, % Bond$12,622,292.00$3,417,190.14$9,205, %
FY15 Projected Balances YearFY12 - ActualFY13 - ActualFY14 - Actual FY15 - Projected Ending Balance (Fund 1 & 2)$ 20,487,318.87$ 21,034,740.50$ 22,070,007.59$ 22,320, Ending Balance as % of Total Expenditures23.64%23.89%24.51%23.78%
Projected Revenue Budget Amendments June 2015 BOE Meeting +$29.6M Bond Refinancing (July 2014) -$970K Basic Formula +$355K State Assessed Railroad and Utility +$550K HCC Tuition +$400K Winchester TIF Final Payout
Projected Expenditure Budget Amendments June 2015 BOE Meeting -$1M Vacant Jobs -$1.5M Health Insurance Premium Overestimation -$1M Unused Purchased Services -$1M Unused Supplies +$850K Bond Refinancing (July 2014)
RayTEAM and Admin Recommendation One Step Certified, Two Steps Classified, $3M Transfer (FY17) Fund 1 & Fund ASBR Beginning Balance$ 21,034,740$ 22,070,007$ 22,320,524$ 17,870,893$ 17,451,633 Revenue$ 91,783,889$ 94,900,000$ 95,807,420$ 98,882,420$ 99,157,420 Expenditures$ 90,044,538$ 93,870,398$ 99,477,050$ 98,521,680$ 98,547,542 Ending Balances$ 22,070,007$ 22,320,524$ 17,870,893$ 17,451,633$ 17,281,510 Ending Balance as % of Total Expenditures24.51%23.78%17.96%17.71%17.54%