PETER SHUMLIN Governor of Vermont’s 625,741 people
PERSONAL HISTORY (EARLY LIFE) Birth date and location Has 1 brother Graduated from Wesleyan University Single, with 2 children
POLITICAL LIFE Elected to town board Appointed to Vermont House of Representatives Elected to senate and stayed as President Pro Tempore Sworn in as Governor of Vermont in 2011 as a Democrat
CREATING JOBS Helping Jobs come back Eco friendly jobs
STATEWIDE HEALTHCARE Vermont (under Peter) is making their own healthcare system Funding How it is activated Saves Cash “Filing Cabinet” for records
LASTING IMPORTANCE I think that Peter will be remembered as both the one who started healthcare for all and as the person who started the return of jobs. To me, I will know him as the governor who only had a year to accomplish anything, yet succeeded and helped everyone in his state.
WORK CITED "About Governor Peter Shumlin." Governor Peter Shumlin. Web. 29 Mar "Peter Shumlin." EbscoHost Web. Web. 3 Apr "Unemployment Down, Green Jobs Up." Governor Peter Shumlin. Web. 29 Mar "Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin." National Governor's Association. Web. 29 Mar "Vermont Steps Closer to Health Care." Infotrac Learning. Web. 3 Apr