Selenium IDE
Benefits Selenium IDE is full-featured Selenium version with GUI Easy to install (Firefox plugin) Plugin support Intelligent field selection will use IDs, names, CSS or XPath as needed Save tests as HTML, Ruby scripts, or any other format Support all common Selenium commands Easy record and playback Experimental WebDriver support
Install Open in Firefox Download and install latest released version Restart Firefox
Locators Practice: Selenium context menu, visual locator LocatorExampleDescription idid=destinationFormMatch element by id namename=fromMatch element by name identifieridentifier=destinationFromMatch element by id or name csscss=#destinationFromMatch element by css selector element by xpath
Wait commands Practice: Overview other “waitFor” commands CommandAttributeValue waitForPageLoadTimeout waitForConditionScriptTimeout waitForPopupwindowIDTimeout waitForAlert
Actions Practice: Open homepage and search “Selenium IDE” CommandAttributeValue openpath clickLocator typeLocatorText to type selectLocatorOption Locator close runScriptScript
Verify commands Practice: other verify commands overview CommandTargetValue verifyTitlePattern verifyElementPresentLocator verifyCookieByNameCookieNameCookieValue verifyTextPresentPattern verifyEvalScriptExpected script return
How to verify CSS? Command: verifyEval Target: window.getComputedStyle(window.document.getElementById(“myID”)).getPropertyValue('color'); Value: rgb(255,255,160) Practice: Try to verify logo width on
Practice Find 10 differences game