General Trophic Pyramids of Energy Sunlight Producer Autotroph Photosynthesis Heterotroph 1° Consumer Herbivore Heterotroph 2° Consumer Carnivore Heterotroph 3° Consumer Carnivore 1000 Kcal 100 Kcal10 Kcal 1 Kcal 90% Lost As Heat Decomposers Omnivore (FIBS)
Hydrologic Cycle Condensation Ocean Evaporation Precipitation Run Off Ground Water Water Table Infiltration Assimilation Evapo- Transpiration
Carbon cycle Producers Carbohydrates, Lipids, Protein, DNA Consumers Carbohydrates, Lipids, Protein, DNA Decomposers Carbohydrates, Lipids, Protein, DNA Death Combustion CO 2 In Atmosphere Photosynthesis Respiration 1000’s of years of heat and pressure Fossil Fuels Coal, oil, natural gas Consumption
Producers Protein, DNA, ATP NO 2 Nitrite NO 3 Nitrate The Nitrogen Cycle N 2 in Atmosphere Consumers Protein, DNA, ATP Consumption Nitrogen Fixation: NH 3 in Soil Assimilation Ammonification Assimilation
General Trophic Pyramids of Energy Sunlight
General Trophic Pyramids of Energy 90% Lost As Heat Sunlight
Use the following terms to label the trophic pyramid: A)FIBSB) Heterotroph C)Ten PercentD) Autotroph E) Photosynthesis
Hydrologic Cycle
Use the following terms to label the Hydrologic cycle: A)Run offB) Infiltration C) CondensationD) Ground Water E) Evapotranspiration
The Nitrogen Cycle Consumers Denitrification
Use the following terms to label the process of the Nitrogen cycle: A) NitrificationB) Assimilation C) ConsumptionD) Ammonification E) Nitrogen fixation Use the following terms to label the pools of the Nitrogen cycle: A) Ammonia (NH 3 ) B) Nitrite (NO 2 ) C) Nitrate (NO 3 ) D) Nitrogen Gas (N 2 ) E) Producers
Carbon cycle
Use the following terms to label the process of the Carbon cycle: A) Death B) Photosynthesis C) Consumption D) Respiration E) Combustion Use the following terms to label the pools of the Carbon cycle: A) Carbon dioxide B) Fossil Fuels C) Decomposers D) Consumers E) Producers
Carbon cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle Legumes 2. Human
Nitrogen Cycle PoolsProcesses Extra Credit: What drives the Nitrogen cycle? What is the name of the bacteria that runs process #4? What is the name of the bacteria that runs process #5?
Carbon Cycle PoolsProcesses What form is carbon in fossil fuels? What form is the carbon in living things? Extra Credit: What drives the Carbon cycle?
Hydrologic Cycle
Hydrologic Cycle Carbon cycle Pools Carbon dioxide Producers Consumers Fossil Fuels Decomposers Processes Combustion Respiration Consumption Death Photosynthesis Nitrogen cycle Pools Nitrogen Gas (N 2 ) Producers Consumers Nitrate (NO 3 ) Nitrite (NO 2 ) Ammonia (NH 3 ) Processes Lightning Nitrification Assimilation Denitrification Consumption Ammonification Biological Nitrogen fixation Industrial Nitrogen fixation What form is Nitrogen found in producers and Consumers? Extra credit:What drives the Hydrologic cycle
Carbon cycle Pools Carbon dioxide Producers Consumers Fossil Fuels Decomposers Processes Combustion Respiration Consumption Death Photosynthesis Nitrogen Cycle Pools Nitrogen Gas (N 2 ) Producers Consumers Nitrate (NO 3 ) Nitrite (NO 2 ) Ammonia (NH 3 ) Processes Lightning Nitrification Assimilation Denitrification Consumption Ammonification Biological Nitrogen fixation Industrial Nitrogen fixation 1. What form is Nitrogen found in producers and consumers?
Hydrologic Cycle Carbon cycle Pools Carbon dioxide Producers Consumers Fossil Fuels Decomposers Processes Combustion Respiration Consumption Death Photosynthesis Nitrogen cycle Pools Nitrogen Gas (N 2 ) Producers Consumers Nitrate (NO 3 ) Nitrite (NO 2 ) Ammonia (NH 3 ) Processes Lightning Nitrification Assimilation Denitrification Consumption Ammonification Biological Nitrogen fixation Industrial Nitrogen fixation What form is Nitrogen found in producers and Consumers? Extra credit:What drives the Hydrologic cycle? Evapotranspiration Precipitation Condensation Evaporation Runoff Infiltration Assimilation Water Table Groundwater Ocean
Carbon Cycle PoolsProcesses What form is carbon in fossil fuels? What form is the carbon in living things? Extra Credit: What drives the Carbon cycle? Carbon Dioxide Producers Consumers Decomposers Fossil Fuels Photosynthesis consumption Death Respiration 1000’s of years of heat and pressure Combustion
Nitrogen Cycle PoolsProcesses Extra Credit: What drives the Nitrogen cycle? What is the name of the bacteria that runs process #4? What is the name of the bacteria that runs process #5? Nitrogen gas Ammonia Producers Consumers Nitrite Nitrate Biological Nitrogen Fix Industrial Nitrogen Fix Lightning Nitrification Assimilation Consumption Ammonification Denitrification
General Trophic Pyramids of Energy light % Heat