PERSONAL INFORMATION Never send your personal information to anyone that you do not know. DO NOT SEND A PICTURE OF YOURSELF TO ANYONE!
MEETING SOMEONE Never go and meet someone that you do not know. Let your parents know someone is wanting you to meet them. Never go and meet someone that you do not know. Let your parents know someone is wanting you to meet them.
CYBER BULLYING Tell your parents if someone is saying things to you on the computer that makes you uncomfortable or is threatening you. Tell your parents if someone is saying things to you on the computer that makes you uncomfortable or is threatening you.
WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? On the computer, you do not know who you are actually talking to. Be careful of predators. The 12 year old boy you think you are talking to may be a 40 year old man. On the computer, you do not know who you are actually talking to. Be careful of predators. The 12 year old boy you think you are talking to may be a 40 year old man.