Route to the top in netball
School netball Most netball players will begin playing the sport at school. From there they may then have gained enough interest in the sport to join a school team. Whilst at school they are able to pick up the basic rules of netball and can then apply them in short games.
Club netball Playing netball for the school team may then encourage players to join local club teams, where they can enhance their skills in the sport. This can include participating in drills, games etc that can allow them to see where their weaknesses lie. Fitness can also be improved at club level from school level as players should take part in fitness training in order to be able to play effectively during hour long matches.
County level/satellite academy Whilst playing at club level, some players may possibly be scouted during matches to play at county level. The selected players will then have to take part in trials in order to be selected to play for the county. Players may also have the option to attend county trials having not being scouted. The satellite academy also allows more skilled players to improve their skill levels in order for them to be able to clearly identify naturally talented players who they can push to higher levels of netball.
Regional level More naturally skilled players after more trials may then be selected to play at regional level. Regional level netball involves players enhancing their fitness and working on the technicality of netball in order to improve their skills
National level For the most elite of netball players, they will be scouted to play for their country. These players will have been selected due to their natural talent at all aspects of netball, as well being in peak physical condition.