L inoleum P rints Art 1 + 2
Linoleum printing Linoleum is like plastic and it sometimes has a fabric backing and sometimes has a wood backing. First, draw your design on the linoleum with a pencil. If you want to include words in your design, you must write them backwards on the linoleum. Don’t worry, when you print the linoleum, the words will look normal. You use a carving tool to carve out the areas that you want to be white. I sometimes start by using a linoleum tool to trace around the areas that I want to be black.
FYI We’ll be printing onto white paper with the ink color of your choice. All of the slides today were printed with black ink onto white paper. You’ll need to make 8 prints, and 4 of them need to be high quality. All prints should be signed in the lower right border with pencil. Your name is always written first. Next you write the “Title”. Final you number the print. The first print is always numbered as AP. The next print in a set of 8 is 1/8. The next one is 2/8. 3/8. 4/8. 5/8… and so on.