Pochoir Prints Block Printmaking, you, the earth, and the art of the stencil
What does Pochoir Mean??? Literally, the word Pochoir just means stencil in French. In the 1920’s and 30’s Art Deco era, the color application process of the stencil was rejuvenated by the French, bringing color illustration processes for books and prints to new glorious heights. With pochoir printing, the hand application of layers of pigment created dazzling effects that the camera or printing press could never replicate.
Our Theme … Using something from nature as your foundation, represent yourself on a more personal or emotional level using symbols Examples: MountainOcean Field Clouds Cave TreeFlower WindCrystals RiverRainbowAnimalsStonesWaterfall
Grading Scales: 4- Student has created powerful authentic designs which incorporate elements from nature that explore their personal or emotional connections for meaning. Student’s final project follows a strong color scheme and is executed neatly and with precision craftsmanship. 3- Student has created an authentic design incorporating elements from nature that explore their personal emotional connections. Student’s final project follows a working color scheme and is executed neatly and with precision craftsmanship. 2- Student has created a design that incorporates an element from nature that they personally connect with. Student’s final project follows a working color scheme and shows a basic understanding of the printmaking process. 1- Student has created a design with an element from nature. The process is still confusing and the craftsmanship could use help. Reconsider the design, composition, complication issues, etc
… but do better than this …
What will make your prints even cooler??? We are going to reference different cultures for inspiration on our design elements What is your own cultural background? Where are your great great grandparents from? Could you draw inspiration from your heritage’s aesthetic history? And if not, what diverse cultures are you interested in? Use their designs and patterns as inspiration!
Aztec/ Mayan
Your Turn! You will connect an element of nature with an introspective part of yourself. This project is complex and demands a lot of planning and concentration, so use your time wisely, and do not feel rushed. This will be due next Monday (12.8) You have the option to incorporate design elements from a culture you are interested in and/ or connected to. Have fun, be free, and let your creative juices flow!