Code reading skills LEVEL GAME
Skeleton has error messages. Notice the red lines on right slider. Click… you’ll go to an error. pieces = levels.getPieces(); // a statement with an error Double click on pieces Select Search->Declarations->project. Eclipse will take you to where this is defined. From the declaration, try Search->References->Project. This will help you figure out how/where this data is used. ECLIPSE CAN HELP
Your first task … is to read the code in the provided skeleton. How many of you went on to read the assignment details? From employers: code reading is critical skill that most students have not yet acquired fully. HOW DOES GAME ENGINE WORK?
How about main? Creates a Game Engine Calls playGame playGame includes: Code to determine if game is over Calls setupLevel to get ready for next level Calls doOneLevel After the while loop, some final messages and exit WHERE TO BEGIN?
Checks if level over Displays the board Gets the player’s option Moves the player If player moved, interact with other pieces and let other pieces move Pseudo code: informal, high-level description Productive strategy when writing code: write pseudocode as comments, fill in the details DO ONE LEVEL
Prints the player (oh, symbol is P) Displays space if nothing at that location Tells object to draw itself How can we be sure pieces know how to draw themselves? private Drawable [] pieces; Pieces is an array of Drawable! But wait, what does that mean? How can that be? It means that EVERY object in the array must IMPLEMENT Drawable Drawable is an interface. It has exactly one method: draw() DISPLAY BOARD
Anything that implements Drawable must have a draw method We don’t care what type of thing it is, as long as it can draw itself. BumbleBee? Sure! DoorMat? Sure! Kangalo? Sure! else pieces[i].draw(); Can I add new types? Yes!! Do I need lots of if/else statements? No!! THE POWER OF THE INTERFACE
public interface Moveable extends Drawable{ public void move(Drawable[] pieces, int playerLocation); } public interface InteractingPiece extends Drawable { public InteractionResult interact( Drawable [] pieces, int playerLocation); } SO WHAT IS THIS EXTENDS?
Start slow You can figure out you need a LevelEngine LevelEngine needs some data structures (lists of pieces, moveable pieces, interacting pieces). Set these to null Create ONE game piece Make it as simple as possible (like my DoorMat) Can you get it to display?? Woo hoo! FEELING UNSURE?* * Of course you are. It’s like working with legacy code… lots to figure out before you can even begin to code.