What Is It About Me You Can’t Teach? “ New ideas About Planning for Continuous School Improvement” A Presentation to Administrators and Teachers at Munford Middle School by Dr. Michael D. Ingram
Planning for Continuous School Improvement at Munford Middle School begins with asking essential questions: What are some barriers imposed by students and/or adults that perpetuate low achievement and impede our teaching in schools? What are some research-based approaches to deal with many of the barriers that impede our teaching and student learning? What is the importance of establishing and promoting a “vision” that all children can and will learn? What resources and instructional strategies are available to teachers that will help them promote the vision that all children can and will learn?
What are some barriers imposed by students and/or adults that perpetuate low achievement and impede our teaching in schools?
I can’t teach you because you are… Poor A student with an attitude problem A discipline problem Black Hispanic White Rich EC Gifted Special Ed Learning Disabled Handicapped A drug baby Too quiet Too talkative Too hyper Disengaged and don’t care about your education A student that just sleeps in class A student that can’t follow directions Always absent from school A student with no parental supervision
I can’t teach you because you wear… Sagging pants and I don’t enjoy seeing your underwear Tattoos Unwashed clothes Designer clothes and you think you are better than everyone else Piercings Long hair All black gothic clothes Short skirts Green hair Confederate belt buckle Jeans with holes in them Short shorts Weave Mohawk
Additional barriers and pitfalls that students and teachers encounter Mismanagement of funds Lack of funding Failing economy and unemployment Disengagement or no alignment between the community and the school Media propaganda Peer pressure Parental expectations State and Federal mandates Incompetent or poor leadership in schools
What are some research-based approaches to deal with many of the barriers that perpetuate low achievement and impede our teaching in schools? Mission Statement and Vision Strategic Teaching Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles 21 st Century Technology Skills
What is the importance of establishing and promoting a “vision” for continuous improvement in schools?
Build Bridges with a “Vision” which states… We believe that ALL children can and will learn Individuals who value others will respect and value themselves Understanding others and valuing their unique characteristics will help in developing positive relationships Commit to high levels of personal and organizational performance in order to ensure implementation of this vision of learning
Building Bridges Get to know your students Conduct surveys Infuse procedures with get-to-know you activities Check for prior knowledge Remember that no one rises to low expectations (Carl Boyd)
The Past The Future
What resources and instructional strategies are available to teachers that will help them promote the vision that all children can and will learn? 1. Strategic Teaching 2. Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles st Century Technology Skills
Use “Strategic Teaching” Techniques to Engage Students with Diversities or Disabilities Empower students and give them the opportunity to take responsibility for his/her own learning and direction with engaging, hands-on activities.
Five Features of Strategic Teaching 1.Measurable Outcome and Formative assessment 2.Two Instructional Practices in Every Lesson: 1. Chunking 2. Student Discussion
3. Three Parts to a Strategic Lesson: (a) Before (b) During (c) After 4. Four Steps to Explicit Instruction: Model(I do it) Guided Practice(We do it) Guided Practice(Ya’ll do it) Independent Practice(You do it)
5. Five Components of Active Listening T-----Talking W-----Writing I-----Investigating R-----Reading L-----Listening
The KWL can be used in Strategic Teaching as a “Before” and “After” strategy.
Use Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences to Engage Students with Diversities and/or Disabilities
Benefits to using Multiple Intelligences Theory in Schools Students will be taught several lessons each grading period in their learning style Teachers provide opportunities for authentic learning based on students’ needs, interest, and talents Parents and other community members may become more involved by participating in the learning process through demonstrations and/or apprenticeship activities Students’ self-esteem may be helped as they are able to show their strengths Varied activities may open doors to learning for students who are not successful on pencil and paper assessments (e.g., students with learning disabilities, etc.)
Incorporate 21 st Century Technology Skills in the classroom to Engage Students with Diversities and/or Disabilities PowerPoint Moviemaker Blogs Wikis iPad The Web Webcasts Edmodo.com
We must create solutions/answers to these essential questions: What are some barriers imposed by students and/or adults that perpetuate low achievement and impede our teaching in schools? What are some research-based approaches to deal with many of the barriers that impede our teaching and student learning? What is the importance of establishing and promoting a “vision” that all children can and will learn? What resources and instructional strategies are available to teachers that will help them promote the vision that all children can and will learn?
In order to Implement Continuous Learning at our School… 1. We must implement the “vision” that ALL children can and will learn in our schools. 2. We must commit to high levels of performance to support the “vision.” 3. We must support the “vision” by engaging our students in 21 st Century instructional practices. (a) Implement Strategic Teaching (b) Implement Multiple Intelligence Theory /Learning Styles (c) Incorporate 21 st Century Technology Skills across the curriculum