What do dolphins eat? Dolphins eat fish Crab sardine
How do dolphins sleep? Dolphins sleep with one eye open and the other one closed. Which is half brain awake and the other asleep. They would suffocate if they fell into a deep sleep.
Communication They communicate by echolocation. They use it to find their food. To see how far their predator is. And to navigate.
Predator The main predator for the dolphins is the shark.. The shark tries to stay away from the dolphins because they can be tough.
Dolphins are mammals? Dolphins are mammals. The mother nurses the baby dolphin for about a year. They eat fish when they are about six months. Dolphins have a really small amount of fur in their body.
How fast can they swim? Dolphins can swim about 10 and 15 km per hour. If they are being chased they can swim up to 40 km per hour.
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