CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction November 30, 2010 Héctor Rico, Administrator Categorical Program Monitoring Office Patrick McMenamin, Administrator Categorical Program Monitoring Office Erin Carter, Implementation Specialist WestEd Categorical Program Monitoring: Cycle A Orientation Webinar
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2 Purpose of Webinar Review the selection process Learn about what you can expect for the review Lay the groundwork for collaborative communications Provide a demonstration of online tool: California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS) Identify resources for LEA staff Address questions regarding Cycle A monitoring
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 3 Basic Facts In February, 2009, Superintendent O’Connell announced the temporary suspension of all non-mandated on-site CPM visits He initiated a “top-to-bottom” review of CDE’s compliance monitoring system The State Board of Education increased its focus on resolving non-compliant items CPM reviews resumed January 2010 The CPM process is a review of the LEA, not of individual schools, although schools are sampled
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 4 CPM Redesign Objectives Focus the greatest attention on LEAs and schools that need the most assistance Integrate the use of technology in CDE’s statewide monitoring efforts through a combination of on-site and online reviews Focus monitoring efforts on student achievement results Be responsive to findings from audits & reviews of the CDE by the BSA and ED Meet our oversight responsibilities, while considering the realities of LEAs
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 5 Key Change in CPM Model Previous Model Pilot “4x2” Model Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 On-site review Pool Year 1 On-site review Pool Year 2 Optional self- review and/or work on resolving outstanding issues Year 3 Online Review Pool Year 4 Optional self- review and/or work on resolving outstanding issues As Needed: Follow-up reviews on-site
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Redesigned Pilot CPM Model 2010/ / / /2014 C o h o A r t On-site reviews of 60-65* Cohort A LEAs (via selection process) Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed ▪ Online reviews of 60-65* Cohort A LEAs (via selection process) ▪ Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed C o h o B r t Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed On-site reviews of 60-65* Cohort B LEAs (via selection process) Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed ▪ Online reviews of 60-65* Cohort B LEAs (via selection process) ▪ Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed C o h o C r t ▪ Online reviews of 60-65* Cohort C LEAs (via selection process) ▪ Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed On-site reviews of 60-65* Cohort C LEAs (via selection process) Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed C o h o D r t Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed ▪ Online reviews of 60-65* Cohort D LEAs (via selection process) ▪ Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed Follow-up reviews on-site only as needed On-site reviews of 60-65* Cohort D LEAs (via selection process) *=Total LEAs Monitored *Note: Final number of LEAs to receive on-site or online reviews TBD
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cycle A Selection Criteria Three independent criteria: –Academic, Fiscal, and Random sample 1. Academic: –Top Cycle A school districts (37) API (<800 in LEA or any subgroup) & PI (≥2 yrs.) & Title II (Monitoring or Level C) & Title III (≥3 yrs.) –One COE with API < 800, PI yr. 1, and Title III yr. 4
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cycle A Selection Criteria (cont’d) 2. Fiscal: –School districts (31): Top 40% of Cycle A school districts (enrollment ≥ 100) in Per Pupil Allocation & Carryover percentage –Top two county offices of education in Total Allocation & Carryover percentage –The top 20 Cycle A school districts in Total Categorical Funding were also considered; seventeen of these twenty school districts were already selected via either the academic or fiscal selection criteria Note: sixteen school districts identified under the Academic criteria were also identified under the Fiscal criteria
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cycle A Selection Criteria (cont’d) 3. Random sample: –10% (6 total) of LEAs selected for a review were identified via a random selection generator –Random selection pool excluded COEs School districts that: –were already selected via the academic or fiscal criteria, or –are at 800 or above in district API, and –are not in corrective action under Titles I, II, or III, and –are in the lowest 25% of Cycle A school districts in carryover percentage and per pupil allocation
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cycle A Selection Criteria (cont’d) A similar school site selection process is currently underway Available school level data is reviewed CPM Team Leads will be in communication with LEA staff regarding schools to be reviewed
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Selection Criteria: Funding Sources Per Pupil Allocation & Total Allocation: –Title I Part A (Basic & Neglected) –Title I Part C (Migrant) –Title I Part D (Delinquent) –Title II Part A (ITQ) –Title III Part A (LEP & Immigrant) –Title X Part C (Homeless) –Career Technical Education –Economic Impact Aid (LEP & SCE) –ARRA (Title I Parts A&D, SFSF, & Homeless) –Ed Jobs Fund
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Selection Criteria: Funding Sources (cont’d) Carryover Percentage: –Title I Part A –Title I Part D –Title II Part A –Title III Part A –EIA (LEP & SCE)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Participating Programs or Instruments 1.Before and After School Programs (BASP) (ESEA Title IV Part B [21stCCLC]; [ASSETs]; & [ASES]) 2.Career Technical Education (CTE) 3.Child Development (CD) 4.Compensatory Education (CE) (ESEA Title I Part A; & ARRA) (Note: Former PI Instrument is now incorporated into CE Instrument) 5.Education Equity (EE) 6.Ed Jobs Fund (EJ) 7.English Learner (EL) (incl. ESEA Title III Part A) 8.Fiscal Monitoring (FM) (portions of ESEA Titles I, II, III, and IV ) 9.HIV/AIDS Prevention (HIV)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Participating Programs or Instruments (cont’d) 10. Homeless Education (HE) (ESEA Title X Part C; & ARRA) 11.Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) (ESEA Title II Part A) 12.Migrant Education (ME) (ESEA Title I Part C) 13.Neglected or Delinquent (NorD) (ESEA Title I Part D; & ARRA) 14.Physical Education (PE) 15.State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) 16.Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) Note: No longer any Cross Program Instrument nor Ongoing Program Self Evaluation Tool (OPSET)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 15 Next Steps LEAs will receive further CAIS training (details are forthcoming) Uploading of compliance evidence into CAIS to begin upon receipt of CAIS training LEAs will be notified of selected sites CDE team lead will contact LEA’s CPM coordinator to facilitate scheduling and discuss other matters in preparation for the review (e.g. LEA General Information Form, CAIS training, on-site review details, etc.)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 16 Scope of Review On-site visits to take place January-June 2011 LEAs will upload compliance evidence into CAIS (no more “CPM boxes”) Submission of compliance evidence in a timely manner is needed to allow the CDE CPM Team to review before on-site visit CDE CPM Team will visit LEA –District entrance meeting –Site reviews –Interviews with staff, parent committees –Debrief with district staff –Report of findings and subsequent resolution
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 17 California Accountability and Improvement System CAIS was developed in collaboration with the CACC at WestEd Online system: –Storage and retrieval of LEA documentation –Compliance management tool –Communication tool New collaboration with CISC to have county offices provide additional support Key tool for CPM, but will also be used for other functions and has capacity to better link multiple efforts
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 18 Uploading Into CAIS Deciding what to upload into CAIS is really no different than deciding what to copy and put into former “CPM boxes” Let’s consider evidence as three types: –Statutory requirement specifies what should be submitted. –No statutory requirement specifying a document; however, LEAs typically submit a specific document. –LEAs choose from a variety of documents and determine the evidence that they believe are response to the legal requirement(s).
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 19 Uploading Into CAIS (cont’d) Example of 1st type: –CE example: “No later than three months after being identified as Program Improvement (PI), the LEA revised its LEA Plan in consultation with parents, school staff, and others.” –Evidence required: An LEAP addendum must be submitted that was revised within three months after PI identification.
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 20 Uploading Into CAIS (cont’d) Examples of 2nd type: –CE example: School Site Council (SSC) composition; or EL example: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) composition –Typical evidence: SSC membership page of the approved SPSA or current SSC membership list; current ELAC membership list with parents of English learners indicated
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 21 Uploading Into CAIS (cont’d) Example of 3rd type: –Example of former CP item, now found in several instruments: “…Parent information in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language they can understand;” Sub item requires it “in the primary language when 15 percent or more students in the school speak a primary language other than English” –Possible evidence: Any number of significant communications in English and the primary language from the LEA/school to the parents whose children make up 15 percent or more of the school enrollment; or when less than 15 percent, but “practicable” in the primary language. For example: letters of parent meetings, notices of school activities/events, academic reports, etc., and oral communication such as notices sent to parents via recorded telephone messages. It is recommended that more than one these documents or evidence be submitted.
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 22 California Accountability and Improvement System Demonstration
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 23 Resources: CPM Team Leads Region Team LeadPhone (916) 1 & 5Pilo 2 & 3Lynn 4 & 9Ted 6 & 10Eleanor 7Carmela 8Ramiro 11Robert
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 24 Other Resources CPM Office: CPM website: CDE CAIS Support: CPM Redesign input mailbox: ARRA & Ed Jobs Act website: Audits and Investigations Division:
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 25 Other Resources (cont’d) COE CPM-CAIS Leads COE CPM/CAIS Guides: –San Diego COE categorical_prog_monitoring categorical_prog_monitoring –Santa Barbara COE Go to “CPM” link, then within each program folder, select “Table of Contents” –Los Angeles COE ining_ _LACOE_updated_for_2_4.ppt WestEd's CACC CAIS Information website: htm htm