1. Winter is a juvenile, Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. 2. She was born on the 21 st of September 2005 off the coast of Florida (that makes her 6 years old).
One day on December 9 th 2005, Winter found herself entangled In a crab trap in Mosquito Lagoon, near Cape Canaveral, Florida. She remained there for 36 hours. Then that next day she was rescued from Clearwater marine aquarium and the Hubbs-SeaWorld institute.
When she was freed, Winter was in serious conditions that she was not expected to survive. She was then sent to Clearwater marine aquarium that same day where her adventure began. With blood cut off as a result of being in the trap for so long, Winter lost both her entire tail and 2 of her vertebrae.
Most dolphins who get entangled by fishing traps, often died either during the process or shortly after getting trapped. Winter on the other hand, despite the prediction that she would not survive her ordeal, then later began to improve.
In the wild, dolphins with no tail can lead to a serious injury or even death. Winter on the other hand, was in human care but she still had to learn how to swim. She can now swim and eat her food by herself. In 2006, CMA announced plans to create a bionic tail for Winter, so for several months people everywhere collected money for the project.
In August 2007, Winter was fitted with her first fake tail. She was only the second dolphin to receive one.
The fake tail that Winter uses can defend her from sharks and killer whales. Over the years Winter had a lot of people going to Florida to see her. She even got people with disabilities (like a girl with only one leg). (I will show that Picture at the end)
She was in 2 movies “The Dolphin That Could” and “Dolphin Tail”. Winter weighs around 230 pounds and has completely healed from her injury. She now stays with a female dolphin called Panama in the same tank. The aquarium also has 2 other dolphins called Nicolas and Indy but there not in the same tank.
You can see winter LIVE on