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Presentation transcript:


HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 1.CDW 2.Introductions 3.Thesis statements 4.Conclusions  From now on, all three of these must, MUST, MUST, be in your responses. Not done. No credit. 5. MLA 6. Your last name. Thank you Carrie Underwood.

CCDW: CLAIM, CONTEXT, DATA, WARRANT. Claim: What are you trying to prove. Arguable. This is the “what you are going to be talking about sentence.” If it isn’t arguable, it’s not a claim, it’s a fact. And then I get bored right off. Don’t do this. Context: Where the heck is this data from? This is where you tell me, as the reader, where you pulled this information from. Is this something you pulled off yahoo answers?  This is also called a signal phrase. Such as: In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Shakespeare discusses the frailty of human existence by… (Here there is a claim and a signal phrase. This is good, this is nice, you should do this more often.)

DON’T BE THIS PERSON. Claim: Butterflies in your stomach is not a fun feeling. Context: ? Data: This happens because you eat caterpillars. Warrant: When caterpillars are not happy, you’re not happy. Or when your crush walks by, the caterpillars turn into butterflies. Context is important. For all I know you got your information from this guy.

CCDW CONTINUED Data: This is the evidence. Or the examples. Basically this is what I call the proof. It is once thing to say dolphins are nice. (Claim) It is another thing to show evidence or proof that dolphins attack people per year, less than dogs do. I need this concrete information in order to believe you. No concrete proof, no evidence, than everything you tell me is circumstantial.

WARRANTS Warrants: “Why do I care”, or “so what” or “this data proves that”. Basically warrants tell me why I should care about your claim and your data. It connects the two. Let’s go back to dolphins. A warrant would be: Because dolphins attack less people per year than dogs, everyone should own a dolphin as a pet.  See this part tells me why I care. See, everyone should have a dolphin for a pet. I want one for Christmas. Extra credit for the student who buys me a pet dolphin. Oh, and one more thing: These are your most important part. And you must have 3 warrants per piece of data.

INTRODUCTIONS. They say first impressions make lasting impressions. This is true in writing. Don’t bore me in the first paragraph by telling me what Webster said, or some lame quote that you found off Pinterest, or writing me a weird hypothetical question (that I would never ask myself). You are smarter than that. Here is what you can do to hook your reader: Anecdote Shocking Statistic Define your terms Use an analogy Etc. BASICALLY IDENTIFY YOUR THEME AND REEL YOUR AUDIENCE IN.

THESIS STATEMENTS Thesis statements answer the following question: “What is this paper about?” But don’t write: This paper is about blah blah and blah. I will turn into the Wicked Witch of the West and melt if you do that. Instead follow the template on the next slide.

TOPIC + OPINION + BECAUSE OF (3 ARGUMENTS) Example 1: Miss. Christiansen wants a pet dolphin because they are adorable, they swim, thus making them a great life guards for potential swimmers, and cure potential sadness. Example 2: In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is used as a foil to her husband and his tyrannical reign because, while she initially is a proponent for killing the king, she becomes absorbed in guilt, accidently confesses her involvement in the murder, and commits suicide.

AND ONE MORE THING WITH THESIS STATEMENTS You are now to a point in your Honors career where the because template may not entirely work stylistically. This is ok. You don’t have to use because. You can try something else BUT… YOU MUST HAVE A THREE PART THESIS STATEMENT. AND IT MUST BE ARGUABLE. IF YOU DON’T… I MELT.

CONCLUSIONS Conclusions are the end of your papers. They are the “wrap up.” Like wrapping paper on a present they hold the present and make it look “all pretty.” Make sure you have a good conclusion that concludes what you are trying to say. Make sure your conclusion restates the thesis. NOT word for word, but the general trend. Use glossing technique and sandwiches.

GLOSSING TECHNIQUE Glossing is where, when you are writing your conclusion, you go back and paraphrase your own body paragraphs. Now fix those paraphrases so they flow better and use them to write your conclusion paragraphs.

SANDWICHING No, not the kind you eat. Sandwiching is where if you started your paper giving an anecdote or something of note and you end your paper bringing in the same example. Note this only works for specific examples. Some writers will start with an anecdote and then pause it to discuss their main points, body paragraphs, etc., then go back to the example at the end. This is very effective when done correctly. Watch your transitions when you do this.

MLA MLA stands for Modern Language Association. It is the format in which you must write you papers. If you don’t write in this format, this is equivalent to wearing crocs to the prom. This includes citations. You must cite whenever you use data.

MLA CONTINUED… MLA includes citing. All data must be cited. “Dolphins make the best pets” (Christiansen 45) Dolphins are family friendly pets (Christiansen 45) If you have questions you need to look at this site. I will pass out a handout too.

STILL KNOW YOUR LAST NAME? GOOD. See it wasn’t that bad?

NOW DO THIS 1.Using your paragraph you did last night for homework, highlight the following in different colors: 1.Claim, Context, Data, Warrants 2.Read it aloud to another student, what does he/she think. 3.Add in citations, according to your former knowledge. 4.Re-write your paragraph in MLA style. 5.Make sure you have an intro., body, and conclusion.