The West Indian ManateeThe West Indian Manatee By FatimaBy Fatima
First Fact Where does the West Indian Manatee live? They live in the ocean between South America and North America. Why is that a good place for the animal to live? Manatees cannot survive in water temperatures below 15 degrees. Does it live in more than one place? Where? The Manatees live in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Amazon Basin and West Africa. Does it travel from one place to another? It does move from one place to another to find food.
2 nd fact How big is the animal? Height / Length / Weight? A male manatee grows to 300 centimetres long and weighs between 360 to 540 kilograms. The females are larger than the males and can be up to 350 centimetres long and up to 590 kilograms How far can the animal move or how far can it travel? The have large, strong tall that powers their swimming.Manatee usually, swim about 8km/h but can swim up to 24km/h in shout burst when they feel a need for speed. What does the animal like to eat? Manatees eat small fish and plants. How long does it live? Manatees usually live about 40 years, but can live up to 60years old.
How many babies does the animal have? And how often ? Breeding cycle. When a manatee turns 9 she can have cute little babies. She has one every two to five years. How does the animal get around? I don’t think they catch a planes! They swim. Where does the animal sleep? West Indian manatee sleep in the ocean. Are they endangered? If yes, how many are left? Yes, they are endangered. There is less than 5000 manatee left in the world.
Physical attributes what does the animal look like? Does it have any thing special about the way it looks? Manatee are grey or greyish brown coloured. Manatee feel like an elephant. They are fat and have whiskers. They have flippers, a nose and a tail. What does it sound like? Manatees sound like a dolphin speaking. A Manatees communicate though sound, sight and probably taste, touch and smell. Have a look at a manatee video.
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