KNOW YOUR STANDARDS – ALCOHOL AWARENESS © Juanda73 | Dreamstime Stock Photo
STANDARD DRINKS What is a standard drink and what are they used for?
WHAT IS A STANDAR D DRINK? A standard drink is an alcoholic beverage which contains 10 grams of alcohol. The higher percentage of alcohol in a beverage the less liquid is required for a standard drink (ie the smaller the drink size). Alternatively the lower in alcohol content a beverage the more liquid would be required for a standard drink. One standard drink always contains the same amount of alcohol regardless of container size (eg bottle, can or glass size) or type of alcoholic beverage (i.e. beer, wine, or spirit). A standard drink does not necessarily reflect a typical serving size.
ACTIVITY 6-8 volunteers Each volunteer will have an empty cup with an alcoholic beverage written on the cup Each volunteer will pour what they believe a standard drink is of the respective beverage they have on their cup NOTE – if it is vodka, scotch, Jim Beam etc it is straight and not mixed with soft drink
TYPES OF STANDARD DRINKS Department of Health and Ageing
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO KNOW ABOUT STANDARD DRINKS? Enables us to know how much either ourselves of our friends have consumed Allows us to understand our own limits and the limits of our friends and peers Gives us the ability to estimate our own Blood Alcohol Concentration (B.A.C.) level Why else might knowing about Standard Drinks be useful?
Adapted for drug your library from the Alcohol Education Session by Alcocups.