At the start: Go in………. Get started At the end: Pack up……….. Stand behind your chairs The routine in every classroom:
Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best The routine in every classroom
Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best When you arrive at class 1. Go in quietly and take off your jacket 2. Sit down and get materials out onto desk 3. Write heading and date in your jotter 4. Begin working on Lesson Starter
Go in……. Get started Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best
Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best At the end of the lesson 1. The teacher will tell you when it’s time to pack up 2. Clear away materials quickly and quietly 3. Stand behind your chair and push the chair under the table 4. The teacher will tell you when to go
Pack up……. Stand behind your chair Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best
Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best Exceptions to the Rule 1. P.E. 2. Technical workshop 3. Home Economics All these subjects are on the ground floor
Teaching and Learning Working together to achieve our best In these practical subjects 1. Learn the routine from your class teacher 2. Always follow the instructions quickly and quietly 3. The teacher will explain what you are expected to do at the start and end of the lesson
Remember: In every classroom - Go in ……….Get Started Pack up………Stand behind your Chair