By Isabella
I have learned cursive. I have learned a lot of letters but there’s still more to learn. Some letters I have learned are r, x, f, c, a, e, b, d, h, l, m, n, o and p. I also learned about Nouns and Verbs. I have learned a Noun is a person, place or thing. I learned a Verb is a action. My favorite novel this year was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone because Harry Potter hears theirs a Sorcerer’s Stone and stops whoever wants it. Another story I really enjoyed was Maniac Magee because his parents die and he is all by himself. He also has kind of a adventure.
I learned that the Civil War was a very sad war and lots of people died. I. also learned about the Native Americans and that they traded with French Fur traders. They also had no more fur at one point. We studied the history of Michigan. I learned that people kept slaves. When the slaves ran away they ran away on the Underground Railroad to get to freedom.
I learned about the Birdwing Butterfly which is endangered and it’s endangered because people cut down trees and that’s where they live. I also learned my animal the Birdwing Butterfly lives in the rainforest. We studied ecosystems. For the ecosystems we made a ecocollum made up of a terrarium and aquarium. We put snails and mosquito fish and isopods and crickets in the terrarium.
I learned parentheses, fractions, and angles. Angles, fractions and parentheses are really easy to me now. We studied for math tests by doing reviews. We also studied polygons, ballpark estimates, 3- demonsinional objects, decimals and more. We also pl ay a game called silent math and I’m not very good at it.
One of my strengths is reading. I am proud of this because if I’m really good at reading I will have a good future in reading. I will also be able to read really hard books. Another one of my strengths is math. I’m proud of this because in life we use math everyday even when your all grown up. So it is really good to be successful in math. I am good at swimming because I always listen and am very fast.
My Academic goal this year was to practice my muitipulcation and division facts everyday for 10 minutes. So far, I have not been practicing them at all. My personal/ character goal was to learn about the computer and get better at typing. So far, I have learned a lot about the computer like how to use photostory and more. I also have got better at typing.
Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for coming to my conference today. I hope you enjoyed it. I have learned a lot at BCS but there’s still more to learn. My favorite Co- Curricular is swimming because I love to swim. I am really happy at BCS and am really happy you signed me up for the lottery Mom. The technology here is really good. I love you both a lot. Love, Bella